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Netzee Bot profile contest


Felix---- very impatient; wonders why people take so long to roll. "Why, I can take a CATnap between rolls. Hurry UP! Why prolong the agony" ??

profile created by psalm23


Barney: Barney is the green and speckled dinasaur bot that sings I love Zee, Zee loves me, we're a zeeing family while playing because he knows that his irritating voice will distract his opponent so that he can win. What a CHEAT! He must have learned this from flip. Barney is 49er's BEST friend.

profile created by Z28


Roland: A good ole country boy. A true Redneck! Roland always has a story to tell. He drives an old pick-em-up truck with a rebel flag in the window. Don't drive too close to Rolands truck.. he chews "tabacca", and you might just get spat on!!!! and watch the dice ...yuck tobacco juice!!!!

profile created by Karen


So, you want to know about my perthonality, do you? Well, when I'm "rolling" you better DUCK !!! cause the dice are gonna fly!! (*stuffing extra dice back up sleeve*) Some of you think I cheat, huh? Well, you're WRONG! I'm just better N you! Ever notice how when you play me, your dice "alllllmothst" land on the number you want? He hee he hee! (*doing a wild Mexithican bean dance upon the table*) I just LOVE that!!!! But not to be misthhhtaken, I can take a loss too!!! (I just usually don't HAVE to! He hee!) WATCH OUT folks, cause when I miss my roll the spittle is airborne! %^!&@^ sprichen sprachen frichen frachen! pppttt! *&**#!! So! Come on! Pick me for your "bot"...unless you're CHICKEN! (btw...I'm with the more chicken!!!!)

profile created by neenee



EEK is a cool dude.  Eek doesn't let much bother him.  He is laid back
and relaxed.  Eek loves to play Zee, and will play you hard, but he is
fair.  Eek enjoys good conversation.

profile created by Karen


Twiglet: Cute, adorable..hangs out in trees, but has been known to hide in the sand. Twiglet would let everyone win if she could. Enjoys a good scratch under her chin

profile created by Karen


Hi! I'm KahlaBot, and this little guy here is my friend "Dice dog". We live in the "best little Netzee house in TEXAS"! I usually let Dice dog roll for me (lest I break a nail), yet you can bet it's ME choosing the plays! Be careful of your hands on the table when Dice dog is rolling, he's so fast he has no time to watch where he's stepping! I carry an umbrella just in case you think you're gonna "rain on my parade"! (haven't had to actually USE it yet though!) Yes, I'm a "hot" little number, but don't hate me because I'm cute! LOL Hate me because I'm GOOD (haha Love/Hate relationships....don't you just LOVE to HATE em?) Think you can beat me? Come on! I'm GAME!

profile created byneenee


Bart!: Small short snotty kid : Always has bad hair days . Plays Zee like a pro. Cheats. Almost always wins!!

profile created by Karen


Kenny! .....Strange looking creature. Brought here to perform experiments on Netzee players. Can roll dice without touching them.. Uses antenna to communicate. Watch out ladies... Kenny comes from a place that uses antenna to reproduce!!

profile created by Karen

Everyone get busy, send in those bot profiles to
