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Spiritual Guidance
Remonica Wallace

As soft as a light stirring wind,
is the whisper unto my soul.
As gentle as a Mother’s touch
unto her precious child.

Yet through the whisper and the touch
comes an unforgettable urgency.
A need for movement upon my path,
to change to the path of which you seek me
 to walk upon.

Your heavenly messengers, Angels, take flight!
To the air, for you are at God’s tasks.
Gentle breezes your wings release.

Look down upon Earth’s Solace,
Your eyes are God’s windows
to the souls of the multitudes.

Tears from your eyes, God’s grief
at seeing the discourse of so many.

“His” mighty love rains forth,
through your tears, touching many souls.
Yielding love and compassion,
from the prior dispair and discourse.

My eyes are filled with tears of joy,
in the witnessing of the rapture of your pure love.
Knowing that without you, Loving Father,
one could never see such unconditional love.

Repentence floods the souls of those,
of whom your love has touched.

I watch as you show them their new paths,
as well as mine,
of which you have created for all of your children.

A path that leads through your son, Jesus,
whose blood was sacrificed
for our redemption and salvation.

Glorious is our Father,
who loves us so much to have given such a priceless gift.

Thank you, my wonderful, loving Father in Heaven.
I shall be laboring to honor your precious gift.

I ask all that have received this gift
to honor his love,
by sharing His Gift with others.

“Tell His story!”
Music Playing by Eric Clapton
"Tears in Heaven"

Remonica Wallace © Copyright 1999
