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"A Quiet Evening"
painted by Thomas Kindade

The Water's Laughter

With the gentleness of silk upon silk,
The water of the brook moves.
Gliding effortlessly over the waterworn rocks,
cascading to a distant destination.

As the water moves over the rocks,
it makes it's presence known by it's bubbling laughter.
The rocks must tickle the water as it glides passed,
for the water to make such a happy noise.

How free the water moves toward it's destination.
Effortlessly, streaming from one position to the other.
Tumbling in a fluid freefall,
The water makes it's way, leaving dampness to show it's passing.

 The fishes within the water, chase the laughter.
The animals of the forest seek the source of the cheerful giggles.

Music playing is Rich Mullin's
Awesome God

For those who do not make the relation of the afore sonnet to the Inspiration of God.

We can choose, in our belief in Christ and God's Word, to stand in the distance, watching the water of the "Wellspring of Life," flow passed, or some will sit upon the shore of the brook, listening to the joy and laughter that Christ has to offer in our lives. Some may even take a sip of the cool joyful waters, then go back to our busy lives, somehow forgetting the peace and joy they felt with that water within them. There are some who will be contented to take time to dip their toes in the cool waters or maybe to simply wade in the shallows for a while.

The damp traces upon the rocks surrounding this flowing water, symbolizes that any contact in a Christly nature, leaves an everlasting impression upon the lives it touches. Whether a person, of whom the water has touched, chooses to pursue Christ or not, they have received a 'seed' that with the proper care, can grow into a "giant" tree of Faith!

How many will seek to be as the fishes? Completely immersed within the loving joy of Christ, seeking to follow the cheerful laughter to it's destination! Whom do you seek to be? Will you seek to be as the fishes.

Or better yet to become as free flowing as the water. Being joyful and content in all situations, for no matter what you face, with God as your Father and Christ as your Saviour, "All things are possible!"

"Be joyful, always!" As joyful as the waters flowing from the Wellsprings of Life, flowing from the throne of God.

"Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS; and again I say, Rejoice!" Phillipians 4:4

Remonica Wallace © Copyright 1999
