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Snow Upon The Rose

The warmth of the fall is leaving and with it's leaving,
there is one remaining late budding rose.
In the morning sun,
the warmth of the sunshine allows maturity, in growth.

During a early winter chilled night,
fluffy heavy clouds drift in.

Slowly, almost inprecipitious amounts
of crystallized water,
as tiny webbed patterned flakes fall from the clouds.

The flakes bond to others,
until there are large flakes descending to the chilled ground.

All through the night hours the snow falls,
mounting in depth, until the lonely budding rose
is covered with the newly fallen snow.

In the morning light,
a fawn makes it's way through the fresh snow,
smelling for green shoots of grass,
hidden beneath the snow.

The fawn's nose touches the budding rose.
The snowflakes that fill the barely opened rose,
fall away with the rustling of the little fawn's nose.

Now, exposed to the warmth of the morning sun, once more,
the beautiful rosebud, with it's velvety soft,
ruby red petals slowly opens.

Sniffing the rose, the fawn gently nudges the rose,
breathing in the soft,
intoxicating aroma of the rose's fragrance.

The fawn, gently licks the luscious red rose.
With this kiss upon it's soft velvety petals,
the rose glistens in the morning light.

This beautiful rose is a testament that shortly,
after the winter snows, the beauty of God's flowers,
shall once again decorate the Spring.

Most of us can appreciate this late blooming rose,
for there are many of us who are like this rose.
We stand alone in our own snow covered place,
until God come's and nudges us with
the warmth of His glorious presence.

With God's grace,
we will make the world appreciate
this rose's wonderous beauty.

Share the beauty of the rose,
as a rememberance of His love.
Love that is unconditionally given,
for we all have great need to feel His love.

So let us become a vessel,
through which Our Father shares that love,
Become the Rose.

Music playing is:
Bette Midler's "The Rose"

Remonica Wallace © Copyright 1999
