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Listen for the Silent Prayers
God has set upon my heart to pray for the “silent prayers” which fill the church sanctuaries around the world.  Heart wrenching cries, unheard to the mortal ear, but deafening to the spiritual ears. 
Many fellow Christians and those seeking help, are crying out in the desperation of their needs.  Some cry out in spiritual starvation, seeking the one who can fill them with daily bread and quench their thirst with the wellsprings of life.  Some only know that they hunger, yet for what is the unknown.  These shuffle, stumble, crawl, plead and beg for direction.  Lost within their wilderness of a barren land in which no promise is to be found.
Oh, my beloved intercessors, pray for these and others like them!
For some, they stand in the midst of the throng, yet cry out in loneliness, yearning to be needed, needing to be loved, accepted and to belong.
Oh, merciful Father, let not this people’s cries be silenced in spiritual death, but rather let there cries yield forth thy abundant mercies.  Open Your storehouses for You are the Jehovah Jireh, The God of Provision!  Dispatch Your ministering angels to lay the stores of provisions upon the path of this people.
Glorious Father, I ask, that with Your long arms, You might gather these close to You.   Sheltering them beneath Your mighty wings, so that You, the Jehovah Shalom, The God of Peace, may rain Your peace upon them.  God, You are the Jehovah Raffa, The God that Heals, Father, heal their hurts.  Nurse them to health upon the sincere milk of Your word!
Open the heavens so they might be fed manna, the corn of heaven (Psalm 78:24), in the form of life giving words from you.  Burst forth the rocks that lie upon their path within their wilderness and let them drink the pure, sweet waters that flow from the wellsprings of life, flowing forth from your crystal throne of Grace. (Exodus 17:6, Psalms 78:15-16, Numbers 20:8)
My Wonderful and Mighty God, the Great “I Am”, creator of the heaven and the earth and everything that was, is and shall be.  You are the Alpha and the Omega!  You are Father, Abba.  Your reach, wisdom, knowledge, loving kindness and grace are limitless!
With you, my Holy Father, all things are possible!  I ask, in Jesus Christ name, that you meet the righteous needs of this people who cry out in their silent prayers.  Let them be a grateful and thankful people, for you have heard their prayers and You are faithful to answer them.
Holy, Holy, Holy is Your Name, worthy, worthy to be praised, forever and ever. 
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, do I pray, amen!  Amen!  AMEN!
Via the Holy Spirit, through Remonica Wallace
May 15, 2001

As The Deer Panteth For The Water