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Our Rock within the Life Storm
Dedicated to my husband and where he is in his spiritual walk, in our marriage.

As one shall we move through life,
You and I bound in a loving adventure,
where I shall be there to help you,
To meet you in your time of need.
I shall ever be beside you,
As we share life's special moments.

You are ever here for me to holdfast to,
during all of our trials and tribulations,
but most of all, the shared glories and joys to come.

Be not afraid of this shared life,
for there is One to help us through,
we shall cleave unto Him during our times of our life storm trials.
He is our Rock to hold too,
The very sunshine that warms us upon the pathes we choose.

My ever loving, caring, darling husband,
Be not afraid, for God is not here to steal what you have,
He is here only to bless what you have.
Run not from the Lord, call upon His Blessed name.
Reap the rewards and bounty of our life harvest with Him.

During the coming life storms,
He shall ever tighten the bond that is between us.
The tri-strand cord is more strong than that of two.
As we are tossed to and fro,in this Life Storm
We shall rest in the palm of His hand.

Remonica Wallace © Copyright 1999
