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No Need To Panic

Based on the scriptures in the book of Acts, chapters 27 and 28.

As Paul and the crew of the ship that was ferrying him to his destination was foundered on the rocky shore of an island, during a storm.

Paul, in Acts 28:3, is bitten by a viper as he laid a bundle of sticks upon the fire. There is no panic…no need of panic. Paul shakes off the viper and goes about his business with no ill effects. Ah, but as God willed it there were witnesses, Island barbarians as they are here referred too.

The first thought among the barbarians is that Paul must be, without a doubt a murderer, for the sea did not take him but surely vengeance will not suffer to let Paul live, so the viper bites him on the hand.

What does Paul do? He shakes off the viper and the death/illness it represents!

How does Paul shake off death? By the overcoming power of God’s grace and authority through Christ Jesus.

God uses Paul, as a willing vessel; to minister healing unto those who were ill with fever, bloody flux, and diseases.

Paul moved upon the purpose put before him, to do God’s work, not by preaching, but by the ministry of laying on of hands and healing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

First Paul pushed past the adversity the enemy attempted to put upon him, by causing him to be shipwrecked upon this island. God turned that shipwreck,which was meant for evil, to that which is for the good.

They, Paul and his crew, stayed for three months before they were able to depart the island. God touched an Indian nation, through Paul, a willing vessel.

The Islanders, in their gratitude, blessed Paul and his shipmates with many honors and provisions.

God’s work was done in spite of the surrounding circumstances that brought Paul there.

Remember, no matter where we are or how we got here, God has ways to use us mightily, even to give to others despite our circumstances. Be used and be used mightily!

Do NOT let circumstances, illness, disease or death of loved ones; block or hinder you; for as Paul overcame and felt no ill effects of the viper’s bite.

There is need to panic. Push past trials and travails in our own life situation. Trust in the God that can, and watch Him move mightily in your life, for it is through Him that we receive all that we have. God has and continues to bless us through the grace we have obtained by the sacrifice of our Healer, Redeemer, Saviour Jesus Christ, who gave His all for us!

Lift your arms. Lift you voice and give a shout to God, for you overcoming and giving God the victory in your own life situation/s. Praise Him for He is lifting you up and out of the pit and setting you upon a mighty rock of salvation and wrapping you within the mighty cloak of His awesome, brilliant Glory! He has a Wonderful plan for your life, so be open to His unctions and be used as an instrument of His Will.

Thank you Father God for loving us so much and giving your one and only Son for our lives.

Glory to You, O'God. In Jesus mighty name do we give you Praise and Glory. Amen!

November 06, 2000
Copyright ©2001 Remonica Wallace
