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My Shepherd
"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9

Last night, I had a dream.
A dream, like none other.
One where I was a Lamb,
lost and alone at night, in a driving rainstorm.

Bleating out and hoping that someone would find me,
I was gripped with fear.
Standing there within the darkness, in the rain,
trembling and crying out.

In the distance I saw a light,
The light was moving toward me.
My gaze was upon the approaching light.

As the light drew near,
I could see that this was a Shepherd.
I knew it was "my" Shepherd by the gentleness of His voice.

The fear, that had once gripped me, broke.
I found myself running and crying out to my Shepherd.
When I neared Him, my legs gave way and I fell to my knees.

My Shepherd, smiled down at me with tears of relief upon his kind face.
With his kind voice, gentle and caring, whispering comfort,
He scooped me up into his strong arms, with little effort.

"Alas my little lost lamb,
I am joyful that you are returned to me.
I was afraid I had lost you to the darkness.
Had you not been crying out for me
I would not have found you."

As we continued our walk back to the flock,
He spoke comfortingly and compassionately to me.
Peace filled me so thoroughly,
I knew I wanted to stay within My Shepherd's arms forever.

When we were back with the flock,
He knelt down and set me to my feet.
My Shepherd looked upon me smilingly,
"My little lamb, just cry out to me if ever you are lost,
I shall come to you and bring you back into the fold of my flock."


Part of this poem is based on the Parable that Jesus taught in John 10:1-18

Remonica Wallace ©1998 Copyright
Background and Jesus Holding the Lamb image were designed and provided by Wendy's Backgrounds.
