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The Master's Shepherds

As I stand in the midst of many other sheep,
I gaze about, seeking the direction in which we are moving.

For, until I see who is leading,
there shall not be peace of mind for me.

Ah, way up front there!
Relief and peace floods through me,
for there leading the flock is the Shepherd.

A Shepherd of great compassion for those in his care,
he and his precious wife are great tenders of this flock.

There are many flocks and therefore many Shepherds that all work for the Master Shepherd.
Unfortunately, many shepherds that work for the Master,
are not so mindful of their flock, as this one is.

Many, in the care of this Shepherd have come from other flocks,
for they had strayed or lost their way.
I was one of those who had lost their way.

Many have been raised without a Shepherd,
for they were born of wild flocks in the dry lands.
When they enter the flock, it is easy to distinguish those,
for they are so hungry and thirsty, for their journey was long.

Many, of this flock, seek out those of whom have just joined our swelling numbers.
We converse and comfort them, for we have shared the journey in our own time.

The compassionate Shepherd and his loving wife,
tend well to the needs of their flock.

Tending to the ill or injured,
the Shepherd's wife speaks to them with a voice of comfort and
reassurance that they shall be mended in miraculous time,
as the Master Shepherd has given her the gift of healing.

The Shepherd seeks guidance and wisdom from the Master Shepherd.
He then leads us upon the path that is set by the Master's hand.

Our footing is always sure, though there have been many times,
we have traveled over rocky terrain, to reach where the pastures are lush and green.

We, as well as the Shepherd and his wife,
hear the calls in the night of those who are lost.
I hear Shepherd and his wife speak to the Master,
to please let it be His will to bring those to this flock.

There are many times that the Master Shepherd
ask the Shepherd to take his flock and seek those who are lost,
but to beware of the wolves, who seek the sheep they may devour.

With determination the Shepherd leads his flock to those who are in need of the most simple gestures,
food, a touch of kindness and even in just companionship of others who have been lost before.

The Master Shepherd's voice is kind and gentle,
as the swaying of the lush grasses in the breeze.
He is a very Knowing Shepherd, for he knows where the fields are fertile.
He tells the Shepherd when and where the fields are ready for the harvest.

The Master Shepherd takes time to visit with each in every flock.
He understands, as we attempt to communicate with him in our sometimes clumsy way.

I have told my Master Shepherd, many times, Thank you for carrying me,
in His strong arms, to this Shepherd's flock, and into the care of the Shepherd and his loving wife.

Copyright © 1998-2000 Remonica Wallace