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As we are living upon the earth, this very precious moment,
we are borrowing the very breath we breathe from our God.
But we tend to take it for granted!

Each moment is His and His alone, yet we each live as if it were ours.
We greedily hoard into each day, all those things that our selfishness desires.

What we are and what we do, should be for the Glory of Our Precious Father.
By giving ourselves over to obedience unto the Will of God,
we shall reap the wondrous, bountiful rewards of Our Jehovah!
The God who delights in giving good gifts unto to His children!

We each have a call upon our lives.
Each must seek to know God’s heart for our own lives.
Draw near to Him and He shall draw near to you!

We must live every borrowed moment as if it is our last,
that in the very next second we will stand before our Lord and Saviour Jesus
and the Throne of God!

What would you do differently this moment,
if you knew that in the next moment or so you would standing before Jesus?

Would have smiled to the gloomy person you passed as you walked by?
Would you have given a word of kindness to your neighbor?
Would you have ask for forgiveness of or given forgiveness to someone within your life?

You and I live by God’s love, mercy and grace.
Let us live as if the next blink of an eye,
we shall be seeing Him, Face to Face.

Lift your voice and hands in a sacrifice of Praise to the Father, God Almighty,
for within Him and through Jesus Christ who strengthens us,
we receive His abundance of life.

Breathe in His Presence and let Him know that He is not taken for Granted!
For He has written a song of praise upon your heart and placed a smile upon your lips.
No matter what the world throws at you,
you know that you are precious in His sight!

Copyright ©2001 Remonica Wallace
