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God's Flower

Just as God made each flower,
He also created each flower petal,
to be soft and in it's right, beautiful.

You, God created as one petal of a flower,
for your family makes up the flower.

Jesus is the stem that holds you up,
For through His intercession you may Praise God.
The leaves are like the angels who bring us God's messages as we grow.
God is our roots, sustaining us with His powerful love.

As we continue to grow,
we become more beautiful each time we blossom.

There are times when we lie dormant,
but we are growing in His way, stronger.

For God wants us to be His best,
and when we seek to do His Will,
that is exactly what we become.

Share the beauty of God's best,
Blossom beautifully.

Remonica Wallace 5/21/99
Inspired by Vickie Ruiz's Miracle Recovery
To a wonderful Friend, through Christ Jesus
I just wanted to let you and everyone else know how
special Vickie is to me.
Thank you Father for allowing our lives
to touch is such a precious way,
in Friendship.
