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Photograph by Remonica Wallace 9/2/1999

The Rains are coming to this Desert!

Do not tarry too long, in this dry place, for God is like a mighty rushing river, moving.

You are a tributary, where an abundance of water once flowed unhindered from the throne of God. Now there is a time of drought in the land about you, many have dug channels to divert your life-giving waters for their own needs. Some have built dams to keep back the waters for themselves and away from others.

There is no need to fear this time of drought, for the rain is coming.

In due season, the drops shall fall, the waters will rise, as the water rises so shall its force, moving all that is within its path. The dams shall burst; the channels shall be filled to overflowing, as will your banks. A time of cleansing: a clearing away of all debris from the water's path.

The present drought will give way to a new birthing. In this desert there shall emerge a new oasis, for the road weary traveler who thirsts who shall come and drink of this life-giving draught! Never to thirst again. The road weary traveler shall become a new creature, renewed and revived in Hope, Joy and Life.

This oasis is fed from an artesian well, which bubbles from the bowels of or the deepest part of the heart of the Father, Abba, where He ministers to us one on one. This is a place, where He knits brokenness into wholeness. Where His compassions for you overflows through this oasis into those surrounding you. He is giving you, directly from His own hand, life giving waters!

The Father would say:

Come, my child, be filled with the anointed waters! Drink! Be purified, removing all of the impure thoughts, actions and deeds that have been done unto you and/or done by you. Know that I have forsaken the ninety-nine to pursue and call you, by name, unto my Will.

I am the good shepherd who calls his sheep and lambs by name. I know them and their ways. I know you, my lamb. I have sought you out, to tend to you with my personal, loving care. I loose liberty. I loose all bondages! I loose healing into your physical, mortal, soulish and spiritual areas!

Come near unto me and know me. Hear me, as I call you my own.

Music is: "As the Deer Panteth for the Water"

Writing in obedience to the Holy Ghost, granted by God, through Remonica Wallace.