Closer Walk with Him

My Saviour, lover of my soul, holds me near as we stroll on a lovely warm Spring day in a blossoming glade.

My delicate hand upon his arm, for he is the gentleman of men, conversing softly and lovingly we pass under massive, ancient, shade trees. The sounds of the forest glade falling gently upon our ears. Our footfalls are cushioned by lush green grass.

The trickling sounds of water are heard as we make our way down a shallow descent, where we find a brook across our path. My blessed, loving Saviour steps forth, upon the water, as if it were not there. I, though being of this world, hesitate and give my Saviour a perplexed glance. I ask him for assistance and immediately his strong, steady hand extends toward me, with my eyes of faith gazing deeply within his loving eyes. I walk upon the brook, walking on my sustantial Faith in Jesus, I follow him.

After crossing the stream, he squeezes my hand and once again places it upon his arm, we continue our stroll up the next small hill. The forest begins to close along our path, in the path lies an enormous fallen tree, with no way to get around.

Looking down at my long, flowing, white gown, I glance at my Lord and again ask Him to help me over this obstacle. He smiles and answers, "for you, have I ordered your every step!" His hand extends toward the fallen tree and steps formed of firmament (clouds) appear over tree, we continue un-hindered.

Continuing along our walk, I glance back to see the fallen tree way in the distance, behind us. How far we had come! I could no longer see the brook.

Overhead the sun shone brightly, as it approached late-morning. As far as my eyes could see, the sky was as azure, crystal clear. The sun, as molten gold and birds sang songs of praises all around, flowers of every color of the rainbow blossomed, filling the air with intoxicating fragrance.

Holding my hands, my Lord, twirled me around, laughingly, rejoicingly, then we embraced in a close warm hug. Butterflies of reds, blues, yellows and purples flutter around us, as if joining in our merriment and rejoicing, abundant happiness. Once again we continue our walk. Holding hands, we skipped like that of children and laughed.

Awe... the pure, untainted innocence of love in every sense: spiritual, emotional and physical. Never could I imagine love any more perfect!

Walking on, toward the sun, that was in early afternoon, feeling bathed by it’s warmth. The wind began to blew more and more, until it was quite a tempest. The wind tore at my gown and my long tresses. I could no longer feel my Lord’s arm within my hand.

I cried out, "my Lord, my Lord?"

The answer came, "I am here beside you."

"But I can’t see you or feel you, this storm prevents me." I exclaimed.

"No, you are not looking in the right direction, do not be afraid." came my Lord’s reply. "Speak peace and calm to the storm." he urged.

I stretched my hand out into the wind and commanded, "Peace and Calm be restored!" The tempest, roared more, like laughter.

My Lord said, "In ‘my name’ command it." I did as my Lord bid me. "In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I command that Peace and Calm be restored!" Immediately the tempest left us.

My hand was once again upon my Lord’s arm. Astounded I said, "how can this be that you were here beside me, though I could not see or feel your presence?"

He said, "within your fear you allowed your focus to be upon the surrounding circumstance, you blinded your eyes of faith to see or feel my spiritual presence."

"But how could I hear you?" I ask.

Jesus answered, "because you sought the way, the ‘one’ true way to overcome any obstacle!"

"But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God." John 3:21

No matter what comes at you to steer you off of your path, with Jesus, he will ALWAYS be with you. Sometimes he will help you walk across your circumstances, or over them or even to teach you to build your faithwalk by showing you how to overcome your circumstances in His precious Name!

"If" you call upon the Lord for help "if" you ask for answers to your surrounding circumstances, He is just to answer them. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, never changing. He knows our needs before we know them and provisions are prepared for us, "if" we ask with our hearts purposed on the glory of his Kingdom, the ministering angels are abounding with his provision to aide us on our Closer Walk with Him!

Let us not live in fear, for we are not creatures with a spirit of fear, for greater is He that is within us, than he that is within the world! Draw close to the Lord and he will draw close to you.

This phase,"Awe... the pure, untainted innocence of love in every sense: spiritual, emotional and physical. Never could I imagine love any more perfect!", refers only to the deep spiritual and emotional senses that grow with each encounter and the overcoming of circumstances. The physical sense is the pure exhilaration that comes from Joy and Rejoicing, that your heart swells so much that it feels as if the mere confines of the human chest can not contain it!

Have a closer walk with the Lord, know Him well, for He has known you since before the creation of time itself.

To my patient friend:
As you read this, you may notice that I see our Saviour as a gentleman of the Original Romanticism Era, one who offers a lady his arm, helps her across obstacles. (very much a feminine outlook here, sorry gents).

It is my sense, that when I am walking closely with my Lord, it is as if were are walking side by side, sharing our thoughts. When I am going through a circumstance, it's as if he is holding my hand, but at an arm's length. He is always there helping and never letting me get far from him, for I do not wish to be far from him. He assist me in overcoming and growing in God's wisdom as I overcome the obstacles and tribulations of this world.

Loving prayers for you,
Remonica Wallace

Music is "Aubrey"

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