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'Sunny Adams'

A Texas Blossom

ABSTRACT: 'Sunny Adams' vital statistics and a sample of her writing.


  • Sunny is a friend from high school and a distant cousin.
  • She's brilliant, very well educated, successful, witty, and available, Guys!
  • At the moment, she's in med school in an exotic locale
  • Oh, yeah, one thing I forgot to mention: she's called into the ministry, so if you want to write her, keep it CLEAN!


  • Biophysics
  • Indians, and all things Indian


Sunny's Song:

We come to you,
  oh Holy Spirit,
  to know your will
And keep it in mind.
We are new sheep,
to join your flock,
  we seek your Grace
To find peace of mind.

We ask it of Jesus,
  the Son of our Lord,
To help all the nations
  find peace and acccord.
We do not seek riches,
  for the treasures we'll find
Are Time without measure
   for all human kind.

Created August 13, 1998
by Susan Pebworth Armstrong
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Last Update: November 23, 2004