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Jonathan's Tribute To Homer Simpson

Last updated 6/21/2000

My Final Update

Yes, it's true. If there's anyone out there who visits this site with any sort of regularity, then you probably realize that I don't update often. Since the Simpsons (in my opinion) seem to be gradually winding down to a close, inevitably so does their hero, Homer. I'm sure you dedicated Homer fans already know everything you need/want to know about him, and if you don't then continue to look at this, and other great sites. As for me, well, I'm 17, it's my last summer without responsibilites, and maintaining a website based on a cartoon character is simply no longer important to me. Life is changing, college is around the corner, and I've got more important things to worry about than the big guy. That's right, I'm going out with dignity...this is the final real update to "Jonathan's Tribute to Homer Simpson". While I may post the occasional message later this summer, this really is it, folks. If you do want to email me, then just click the link at the bottom of the page. Thanks to everyone who has replied to the two Questions below, and thanks for visiting this site. I started it out of boredom, and now the site has run its course and served its purpose. Continue to visit the page, since I still think it's useful, and because the longer the site gets hits, the longer Angelfire will let it live. So long guys, thanks a million. I'm out.

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This site is dedicated to the star of the longest-running cartoon on primetime television - Homer Simpson. Homer is, without a doubt one of the best cartoon characters ever. Without him, "The Simpsons" would not have lasted past its first season. I think his main appeal is the fact that he seems so average. He has 3 kids, is married, and has an average job at a nuclear power plant, but that's not the point. His family goes through many of the ordinary trials of life. I, like most people, have noticed the sad decline in the quality of the show in recent years. However, I will certainly enjoy these last few seasons of this great show. Thanks for visiting my site. Old News

6/21/2000 -- Thanks for getting me over 1500 hits, guys. Maybe someday it'll hit 3000...nah.

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