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Count Your Blessings

Blessings are like hugs from God.
Counting blessings is like hugging God back.
Debbie Boone~

Every morning or night write a short list
of five things you can honestly be thankful for.
Keep a special notebook for this purpose.
Don't worry if some days you have to struggle to come up with five.
The next day, think of five more things.
It's all right if they're the same ones
you thought of before.
But try to think of at least one new blessing.

For the first two weeks that you try this exercise,
list only five blessings per day.
If more occur to you, write only the very best ones.

What will happen, if you persist in this exercise
is that the blessings will start lining up in your mind,
impatient to be included. You'll find
yourself noticing more and more
blessings in your life.

After the second week, give yourself permission
to make a long list. Write down
as many blessings as come to your mind.
Let your list scrawl over page
after page. When you run out of ideas,
just look down at your list and smile.
You'll be amamzed at the concrete evidence
of everything you have to be thankful for.

When I look at my life through the lens of gratitude,
all my experiences take on a rosy glow.

The blessing of the Lord makes one rich,
And He adds no sorrow with it.

Proverbs 10:22

Everyday I will bless you,
And I will praise your name forever and ever.
Psalm 145:2