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I hope you will enjoy this poem.
I wrote it back in April of 1995.
It is written for all lovers.
Soulmates was published in the anthology
A Delicate Balance by the
National Library of Poetry
If you'd like to use this
for your wedding please e-mail me:

Into a garden let us stroll
out of the mundane world,
Into a place of celestial beauty
where everything is perfect;
'nar a care exists.
Into the ocean let us swim
and float in a sea of love.
Rainbows surround us
and doves fly above us.
Let us take each other's hand
and walk together silently
in perfect harmony.
You and I as God had planned
became soulmates long ago.
Now we have found the love
we'd searched for ever so long.
Let us sing, rejoice and play
And be happy that we have today.
As our hearts beat to the same drum
Let no one come between us.
Dance with me, my Lover.
I am your Beloved.
Into the spacious realm of dreams come true
Let us fly; higher than the sky
together forever, in peace, love and harmony
You and I.

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