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I put up some new pictures of my 20th birthday in Corpus, they are not all up yet because my scanner is being an ass but if you'd like to see them.... Click here

I have also updated alot of the picture of myself and also a page about Raymond. Theres new ones all around so explore!

Welcome to the wonderful page of the Goddess Becka. Right now I'm in the process of trying to update pictures, information, etc, but its taking me a long time cause I am very lazy. If you want to be emailed when everything is completely done sign the guestbook and make sure you include your email address and that you want to be informed. Feel free to go and explore now 99% of my page is all pictures of my gorgeous friends in the world so have fun. But remember to come back here and SIGN THE GUESTBOOK, I deseperatly need some new entrys.

Krista Beth

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Useless info about me

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