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It has been quite a while since I have updated the archive. In fact, I have not done so at all this year.Well we have a pair of essays by my good friend Orson Flack. Fairly soon we will be seeing some radical changes to the layout of our homely archive.

The Resolution of Political Turmoilby Orson Flack.
Enlightened by Defaultby Orson Flack.


Oh my!!! it has been so long since i updated this page. well i went and made some visible changes that you may have noticed. i give thanks to Zach for reiterating the necessity of colors and readability.Not much to add besdies the one new poem. Hopefully, we will get more soon.

Seedlingby 13th.


Well, it seems as it has been a long time since i have updated and it has only been a week or so, not all tha bad. We have a new contributor this update as well.

Lustby Elena42, Requiem of the Harrowedby 13th, and ----- by Javeing our newest contributor.


This edition of the updates we have the addition of two new shorts stories by our friend Elena42, there are also a few new poems, and a new contributors listing.


wow, this week is a massive infusion to the site in the way of poetry we have a lot of new artists this week, say hi, and some new stuff in the prose section.


hello all those that look at this place of sanctity and lore, this week we have a story installment, a new sketch and several more poems, devour and enjoy..


Well, a lot has changed since the last update. i added a guest section to the poetry corner. there are now twice as many poems uploaded, i added some pictures of mine to the miscelaneous section as well. look forward to a story installment and some more poetry soon.


After what seems a small eternity i finally updated, i am in the proces of adding all of my poems that are on my computer. i also fixed the email link(oops.)


well i finally got around to updating the site and so far all that i have done is added two of my songs to the song section. well enjoy.


i fixed up some of the links and added a few poems and essays, soon there will be a few more poems and other neat things on the page.
