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K 224 (from a photograph)

(transliteration and translation, Ebeling TuL no. 27 (pp. 108-114))

1. If a man's God has damages.


............................................... Šamaš

...................................... how...........

5. .................................... you should rub.

.................................. you should raise a lament to him.

................................ the kalû-priest should remove his head,

......................... "Woe.................... and Woe!" he shall cry.

..................................... he should take his hand,

10. Let one bring the God into the mummu-House, and sit the God there.

.................................... in the mummu-House, where the God concerned has gone,

........................................................... he is presented in front of Marduk,

.......................... let him make a sacrifice to Marduk,

...................................................... raise a lament,

15. ................................. let him prostrate himself upon the ground,

...................................... not ceasing his lament,

....................................... in the dust before Ešara.



20. ....

In the day, where the work for the God concerned is finished, in the mummu-House you would

wash his mouth in front of Ea, Šamaš and Marduk.

Carefully, the work for that God that had sustained damage,

is for the renewed not good, he would not newly stand,

25. if

At night,

30. Let not the uninitiated see this; it is a forbidden thing of Enza (Anu), Mahza (Enlil) and Kizaza (Ea).

In front of a the wall you should stretch out a curtain, lay down a reed-mat,

upon which lay 9 bricks;

over all the bricks construct a reed-hut.

Lay down a reed-mat

35. 9 bricks.

............... Set up 9 small altars.

lay down, small altars

of Nergal....

upon the small altars you should offer him some sugar-bread

40. lay upon it a mixture of honey and cream, stand a pot with water thereon.

You should set a jar with fine-meal upon the earth,

lay down the Brick of Bêlit-ilê.

On the Brick of Bêlit-ilê sprinkle an incense-offering,

offer wine and milk.

You should offer sugar bread, and set up an offering of honey and cream.

7 images of the God concerned upon.............. set, and a jar

with fine-meal set on the earth before them.

Lay the brick of Bêlit-ilê on the ground, and on the brick

5. scatter an incense offering, milk, wine: for the brick-offering.

Behind the curtain you should strew 11 censers with Cypress-perfume.

Offer premium beer, that upon................ Behind the 7 images

stretch 7 curtains; in front of the door, where he descends, stretch one curtain.

10 curtains of the ................. door of the Way........

10. In the Way you should place one small altar for Nergal,

in.......................................... prepare a small altar.

........................................ offer a mixture.

....................................................... stretch a curtain before all the Gods.

...................................................................... with fine-meal

15. .................................................. sugar bread ....................... etc.

One curtain, which is placed before the wall, is from............................

One curtain, which is laid behind the wall, is from........................................

you should set up a small altar, offer a mixture.

3 curtains, which are placed in the house, made of shiny wool.

20. ........................................................ 3 curtains

....................................................... those upon the door.

The Brick, upon which an incense-offering was made,

the one which was set down for that God, is Bêlit-ilê.

Uraš, Ninurta, Zababa,

25. Nabû, Nergal, Daianu and Pabilsag,

who are the Gods of the curtain.


...................................................... you should set upon.................

....................................................................... Ninlil................

30. ................................................................................... Allatu

................................................. you should not put down the brick.

........................................ the Uninitiated should not see it,

if the Initiated would earn Life.

................................................. the Gods.
