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1 John 3:1-3
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called Children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are Children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. but we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.

The Library
The Children of God library is full of sermons and Bible studies that are posted for your use. Feel free to take any ideas and use them as you would like.

If you would like to submit a piece that you have written, I would be happy to include it in the library. Email me at
Bible Studies
Fully written out Bible studies for different age groups and addressing many different situations.
These sermons are are writen by various people at various times. They are for the use of all people and feel free to contact the author for questions, comments or permission for use.
Children's Sermons
Sermons created for children of young ages. These simple stories relate everyday life to God and our life in Christ for children's greater understanding.
Coming Soon
The Ten Commandments
This is an in depth study of all ten commandments. It will include references and Biblical concepts applied to living a Christian life.
A look at the sin of Pornography and it's relation to other sins including murder, lust, and adultery. Pornography floods the world and causes us to stumble in more ways than simply lust. It can blind us from truth more than we may ever know!
An attempt to prove that abortion isn't something that a Christian could ever consider. The reality of abortion must be realized by the church. It cannot stand around simply debating whether or not it is right or wrong. The issue exists and the church must get at the root of what causes abortion to enter the minds of God's people.
Homosexuality is an issue that plagues the church and will for a very long time. Many denominations today are dealing with the issues of Homosexuals in the pulpit. The church must face this issue and take a stand that is in a loving manner!
Quick Reference
1 Sa. 23:16
Pr. 17:17
Pr. 27:6,10,17
Ecc. 4:9-12

Ps. 42:3-8
Ps. 102:6-13

Jn. 13:34-35
Jn. 15:17
Ro. 12:20
Ro. 13:10
1 Co. 13
1 Jn. 4:16

Pr. 21:9
Ru. 3:7-8,13-14
1 Co. 7:1-40
Ge. 2:24
Ge. 3:16
Pr. 31:10,23,27
Mk. 10:7-9
Mt. 19:1-12



Basic Christian Doctrines
In this section you will find short essays, or explanations of some of the most basic Christian beliefs and doctrines. These are all done in an attempt to be fair to all people's beliefs and a basic understanding that most denominations would affirm. There is also a section of vocabulary words to aid in the understanding of this section.

If you have any questions or have a topic that you would like me to research email me at
The soverignty of God. God is the one and only creator of the universe and He is the overseer of it all.
The Church

The Trinity


Coming Soon
Human Condition
Holy Spirit
Creation claims of Biblical Contradictions
The American Atheist represented at have claimed to have found contradicting scripture within the Bible. This is obviously a product of misinformed individuals who are blind to the truth. Here you will find the proof that our Bible is as perfect as our God. After all, it is his own words!
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Read the Testimonies of a few of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We all have our own stories of how we came to know Jesus. Learning of other's struggles and accomplishments can be an encouragement to us all.

If you would like to submit your testimony to be available for others to read please email me at

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Quiz Question

Christian Music
The Top 5 in Christian Pop for the week of January 8, 2000 from CCMCOM.COM

1. REBECCA ST. JAMES/Don't Worry

2. PLUS ONE/God Is In This Place

3. SWITCHFOOT/Learning To Breath

4. DELERIOUS/Everything

5. DC TALK/Say The Words (Now)

Great Christian Music Sites
Contemporary Christian Music


Album Title
Song Title
Top 10 Best Sellers
1.The Signature of God by: Grant R. Jeffrey
2.Breakfast with Billy Graham
3.Breakfast with God
4.My Utmost for His Highest by: Oswald Chambers
5.Left Behind by: Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins
6.First & Goal by: Dave Branon
7.In the Grip of Grace by: Max Lucado
8.Hope Again-when life hurts and dreams fade by: Charles R. Swindoll
9.Israel, my Beloved by: Kay Arthur
10.The Glory of Heaven by: John F. MacArthur
1. A book of startling well-documented scientific evidence proving that the Bible is indeed the inspired Word of God. The Signature of God is convincing evidence that the Scriptures can be trusted!

2. 120 Daily Readings from the writings and speeches of Billy Graham.Start your day with a word of encouragement from the world renown evangelist.

3. A Quiet Moments with God Devotional from Honor Books. A wonderful gift idea! Beautifully wrapped moments of spiritual nutrition to start your day off right!

4. A Golden Book of Oswald Chambers updated in Today's Language. This distinctive Christian classic, with its rich, spiritual insights and life changing perspectives, has now been faithfully translated for a new generation.

5. A novel about the earth's last days. Millions of people disappear in a momentary blink of the eye, global chaos erupts and as dark as it seems, even darker days may lie ahead!

6. More than a dozen NFL Players talk about football and faith. Not only shows how they succeeded in football from beginning to today, but also how they came to know Jesus Christ and how they now keep spiritually fit.

7. "Can anything separate us from the love Christ has for us?" Romans 8:35 Max Lucado in his wondrous enveloping writing style explores the incredulous mystery of grace - you can't fall beyond His love!

8. Hope Again is a voice crying in the wilderness . . . a word of enthusiasm for life in the midst of any difficult situation you are in.

9. A novel like no other. The story of a nation like no other. "To the world she was just a Jew . . . " History comes vibrantly alive through the characters of this novel - from the beautiful yet strong willed Sarah to the endearing couple Enoch and Rebecca to the courageous and devoted Samuel.

10. MacArthur asks the question, "If you're going to call it 'home' for eternity, don't you want to know what it's like?" You need to know the truth, which, ironically, is far better than anything our creative minds can imagine.
Interesting Church Statistics
Only 19 percent of churchgoing adults say they usually learn a lot from their pastors' sermons.

The number of churches that even offer Sunday school declined 43 percent during the 80's.

Church school participation in mainline denominations declined an average of 55 percent between 1970 & 1990.

Since 1972, Sunday school attendance has dropped from 41 million to 26 million. During the same period the general U.S. population grew by 23 percent.

Only 11 percent of churchgoing teenagers have a well-developed faith. The figure rises to only 32 percent for churchgoing adults, and to 39 percent for Christian education teachers.

Message Boards
How do we prove to unbelievers that God exists?

Daily Reading and Study

Follow along with us as we read the Bible in two years!


Date Book Chapters
Aug. 16, 1999 Psalms 43-44
Aug. 17, 1999 Psalms 45-46
Aug. 18, 1999 Psalms 47-48
Aug. 19, 1999 Psalms 49-50
Aug. 20, 1999 Psalms 51-52
Aug. 21, 1999 Psalms 53-54
Aug 22, 1999 Psalms 55-56
Read it Here!

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Do you have Questions? Ask me!

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Nickname: Indivisibletears
Age: 21
Location: Sterling College in Kansas
Major Field of Study: Religion & Philosophy and Christian Education
Read: My Statement of Faith
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