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Memorials ... Page 6

This page is dedicated to those we have lived with and loved in the past.

U-CD Siegreich's Meisel V Walhalla CD, CGC
May 17, 1995 - June 07, 2001

Meisel was Liers' sister. She was always so very gentle and sensitive to others. She never liked to be around strangers and she seemed to be afraid of traveling as she would be very nervous, but still wanted to go wherever we went. It turns out that she was a loner and a homebody. Much like her people mom, Chris. We found this out after her diagnosis of cardiomyopathy (just like her brother but one year later) by contacting Jane Hallander, an animal communicator. I wanted to relieve whatever stress I could from her life and this was my attempt to find out why she was so nervous and seemingly unfriendly. Once we learned this, we were able to communicate with her and she turned around drastically in her behavior.

Eight months before Meisel left us, we brought her sister Miesha home to live with us. Meisel didn't like this at all and she LOVED other animals! Once we spoke with her, with Jane's help again, she said that she understood why Miesha was there and didn't have a problem with it. She did have a problem with us 'replacing' her and she wasn't ready to go yet! So this was her concern. We let her know that we would NEVER try replacing her and we recognized her position in our family as top dog and we didn't want her to go yet either. She accepted Miesha from that day on except when Comet, our CCI pup, wanted to play with Miesha because she didn't 'know her' well enough yet.

Her last month was rough on her. She wanted to be here for Comet so he wouldn't be sad before he left in late July. She tried very hard to live. But her heart disease was just too much. She lost all muscle and fat and had a huge amount of fluids that we no longer could drain from her abdomen because she could no longer lay on her side without suffocationg. Her feet had open sores due to poor circulation and she could no longer sleep without having to be in an upright prone position. Our favorite vet, Dr. Scott Lumpee came once again to help her over the Rainbow Bridge.

Goodbye my sweet Meisel. You taught us SO MUCH. I think the most precious gift you gave me was the gift to be able to speak with you and other animals. I can never thank you enough.

A wonderful pine tree has been planted in Meisel's memory in the yard she loved to lay in and watch over us.

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