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Diggin' Up The Past

Shirley Shipman Runnels
206 S. Eagle
Fredericksburg, TX 78624


I am the family history researcher for the surnames of:
Shipman, Kiser, Matson, Smith, Chappell, Karnes,
Nichols, Tubbs and Morgan Families

Please be aware that not all information on these pages has been fully documented. The information is to be used as a guide post.
So please if you find your ancestor here PLEASE verify it before accepting it as fact.
Please click my ancestor pages for descendant details and come back to see me soon.

My Shipman Ancestors

1...Daniel Shipman-Elizabeth Burleson
2....Jacob Shipman-Sarah
3.....Isaac Shipman-?
4......Samuel Shipman-Elizabeth Pulley
5.......Robert Shipman-Sarah Kiser
6........Pearl Shipman-Tishie Matson
7.........Stone Shipman-Vada Karnes
8..........(Me) Shirley Shipman Runnels

My Kiser Ancestors Pages

1.Mathis Kaiser-Magdalena Frey
2...Mathis Kaiser-Adelheid Walchi
3....Hans Jerg Kaiser-Catharina ?
4.....Matthaeus Kaiser-Anna Regina Schuhman
5......Lorentz Kayser-Sarah ?
6.......Lorentz Kiser Jr.-?
7........Joseph Kiser-Sarah Parker
8.........Philip Kiser-Melvina Grider Estes
9..........Sarah Kiser-Robert Shipman
10..........Pearl Shipman-Tishie Matson
11...........Stone Shipman-Vada Karnes
12............(Me) Shirley Shipman Runnels

All Photos Show Larger On The Karnes Family Pages

My Karnes Ancestors Page

1.Noah Karnes-Elizabeth McClure
2..Frank Marion Karnes-Lousia Jane McCollum
3...Noah Karnes-Alice Lucinda Morgan
4.....Charlie Karnes-Lucille Nichols
5......Vada Karnes-Stone Shipman
6.......(Me) Shirley Shipman Runnels

All Photos Show Larger On The Nichols Family Pages

My Nichols Ancestors Page

1....Thomas Nichols-Minerva Wickson
2.....James Cyrus Nichols-Nancy Jane Tubbs
3......Lucille Nichols-Charlie Karnes
4.......Vada Karnes-Stone Shipman
5........(Me) Shirley Shipman Runnels

My Smith Ancestors Page

1....John M. Smith-Polly Johnson
2.....Karah Smith-Emily Chappell
3......Isabelle Smith-John Matson
4.......Tishie Matson-Pearl Shipman
5........Stone Shipman-Vada Karnes
6.........(Me) Shirley Shipman Runnels

My Chappell Ancestors Page

1.....Robert Chappell
2......James William Chappell
3.......John Chappell-Mary Barker
4........Thomas Chappell-Mary/Sarah BAnnister
5.........Thomas Chappell-Elizabeth Jones
6..........Samuel Chappell-Elizabeth Scott
7............Samuel Chappell Jr.-Mary
8.............Christopher Chappell-Miss Harris
9..............Rolin Chappell
10.............James Littleton Chappell-Jo Ann Cothren
11..............Emily Chappell-Karah Smith
12...............Bell Smith-John Matson
13................Tishie Matson-Pearl Shipman
14.................Stone Shipman-Vada Karnes
15...................Me-Shirley Shipman

My Favorite Links

Yahoo! Infoseek Webcrawler
Alta Vista Magellan HotBot
Genforum Excite Lycos
Rootsweb DogPile Ancestry
Surname Web Family Tree Maker Burleson Home Page
Search for almost anything Mills County Texas Page Texas Database
Cyndi Howell's List Sheri's Page Cindy Casey Page
My Sister Nita's Page Debbie Shipman's Page Shipman & Futch Page
Mills Co School Angelfire

I would like to hear from anyone researching any of these surnames. You can snailmail me at 206 S. Eagle, Fredericksburg, TX 78624 (830)997-6228 or Email me at

Thanks for visiting my homepage.

Email: Shirley

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Thanks for visiting and come back soon-Bye Bye