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Look- a dancing baby! Another dancing baby
Uh - you know this stuff
can get cold!
That is a lot better!
Must you ALWAYS expose me? Mom - don't forget, now - your hands are slippery!
Ah - thanks, Mindy - you always seem to know what I want! Great-Grandma Pauline holding 
me for the first time!
Here you go, PaPa, it's your turn PaPa - doing what he does 
best - getting Michael to sleep!
Michael - doing what he does 
best - getting PaPa to sleep!
Norman!  Don't drop me!  It's 
a long way down, from here!
Wow, Norman!  Look at the size 
of your hands - they're as 
big as my entire body!
Hey!  Don't bite my nose - you figure out which one is say it!
Does him have a tummy ache?  Let's see if we can get rid 
of some of that gas.
But, Mom, I don't remember 
what I ate, yesterday to 
give him so much gas.
There, there, Aunt Sherwyn
will make sure you get rid of
that gas.