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Jodi & Greg's new house
& Gregory & Michael, too

The boys' bedrooms
The front entrance
Garage / formal dining room
Front entrance
Front entrance
Formal living room
Formal dining room Master bedroom
Master bathroom Michael's bedoom
Gregory's bedoom Master bathoom
Jodi - standing in the  master bedroom bath tub!
No, it's not someone from 
Star Wars, it's Norman
Still Norman Debby scrapping wallpaper, and scrapping wallpaper, and scrapping...
Norman - Don't drop it! Trying to keep the paint 
off the beams
I need the shield cleaned, again! That was a lot of painting
Greg - hard at work Sherwyn & Jodi enjoying a break from masking tape
Sherwyn peeling off the masking tape and window coverings Norman peeling masking tape & look - there's his phone!
Mamie & Michael at The Cracker Barrel for brunch Michael and his smirk
Gregory & Norman trying to work up an appetite Norman - Don't drop me!
Norman trying to figure out how he got into this predicament Sherwyn, Greg, Jodi, Shannon, Mamie & Michael waiting to be called
Finally - inside, but where's the food?
The kitchen & dinette
The Family Room
The back of the house
Was I really supposed to arrive at the new house like this? Was I really supposed to arrive at the new house like this?
Was I really supposed to arrive at the  new house like this?
Moving is such tiring work!
Yea!  Food is coming! Yea!  Food is coming!
Yea!  Food is coming This will have to do!
Let's show the new neighborhood what we've got! Let's show the new neighborhood what we've got!
Ah - now I can relax and cut this grass Ah - now I can relax and cut this grass