BLOCK 5 - Main Street Tour Locate on map Facing west on Main, it becomes apparent that so many changes on this block make it essential to listen carefully when placing stores. Most likely the next store after Penn’s was the Texas Drug, which may be the same site that later housed Bill Griffith’s barbershop. Next was the new site of King’s Café, first located across the street and a bit west of here. Before the alley Delbert Capps relocated his photography studio in what had previously been a barbershop owned by Mr. Langston, the father of Mamie Ruth Hamrick, who taught at both the college and the high school. Then comes the alley before the Oil City Pharmacy, whose very name recalls the history of what put Ranger on the map. At some point that colorful name was changed to Crawford’s Rexall Drug. The soda fountain inside not only served many teenagers all kinds of sweet delights but also gave many their first jobs as soda jerks. Another kind and gentle face located inside the door by his small, lighted table was that of Mr. Hyatt, the watch repairman. Mr. Surbrook also had a booth there for distribution of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Next door what was Western Auto Supply in the 50’s had previously been Bray’s Grocery Store. Then came Penney’s. Its bright yellow, black-lined tile as well as large display windows was an attention getter. Children, once inside, were fascinated by the plastic- and-leather canisters that zipped along a wire overhead to carry cash to a cashier located on the mezzanine. Such an arrangement made it unnecessary to have more than one cash register. In those days Penney’s seemed to be primarily a small-town store. J.C. did not appear in the name. It was a time before credit cards; but store mangers, such as Mr. Graham and Mr. Smith, happily arranged for customers to buy on a lay away plan. Next came the imposing Commercial State Bank Building on the corner of Main and Rusk. Ranger’s bank operated from here for many years going through a series of changes in ownership and names before closing. Now vacant and for sale, the bank building has been the location of other financial institutions, such as First Federal Savings and Loan, which had been across the street in a part of the Joseph brothers' building. End Tour