Tour Guide   BLOCK 2 - Main Street Tour     Locate on map

Marston Building
Let's not wander down 
any of the side streets 
just yet but cross Marston 
to what else, the Marston 
Building. Some say that 
during the Depression there 
was a grocery store in the 
first floor of this building.
On the upper floors were 
apartments. Originally built 
during the height of the boom, 
it was thought of as a very 
elegant edifice and housed 
many offices of professionals 
on the upper floors.
In this block at one time was a retail merchants association, sort of 
an equivalent of a modern day Better Business Bureau. Then came a beauty
shop known as Luella's. These places are only vaguely recalled.  In the 
Halbert Building were the city hall and jail, though his was not their 
original location. Children of this generation most likely recall a long 
line winding down the hallway of this building right after the Christmas 
parade so that they could briefly see Santa Claus and get some candy. 

Arcadia TheaterNext came what would 
have been one of the 
most beautiful buildings 
of this time frame--the 
Arcadia Movie Theater 
built in 1927 and owned 
by Brann Garner. Some 
have described it as having 
been the best such place 
between Fort Worth and El 
Paso. In March 1952 it 
burned on a Saturday 
afternoon shortly before 

it was scheduled to open for the Saturday matinee.
Arcadia Theater Next to the theater and before the bowling alley was a small, almost kiosk- like, confectionery. AC Bowling Lanes The A. C. Bowling Lanes must have seen lots of activity at its peak. There were six lanes, and young boys were paid a dime to reset pins. A line cost a quarter; shoes were a dime. You could sit in the gallery and watch others bowl or perhaps you could play a game of pinball.
Jiggs Next to the A.C. Bowling Alley was the P & Q Realty Building, the oldest commercial building still standing in Ranger when it burned in June, 2003. For the purposes of our walking tour of Ranger in the 1950's, it seems that this location was mostly vacant, although some can remember that the corner portion was occupied much earlier by Jigg's Cafe and just west of the cafe was a barbershop owned and operated by Oscar Bunton’s barbershop. End Tour