Ranger Exes Memorial-TX - Ranger, Texas Historical Ranger Airport
Ford Tri-motor monoplane at Ranger Airport in 1928 The Ranger Airport is listed as the third oldest operating airport in the State of Texas. In the spring of 1928, C.J. Moore and various aviation boosters determined to build an airport for Eastland County began searching for a suitable site. They purchased the 135-acre V.V. Cooper, Sr. tract, and officially dedicated the airport on Armistice Day, November 11, 1928. Fifteen thousand people and 42 airplanes participated in the dedication. Little Miss Alice Louise Henry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Henry of Ranger, broke the bottle of ginger ale used to christen the field. Called Haugland Airport in the 1930s, the airport was renamed Ranger Municipal Airport in September, 1938, when the Ranger Flying Service, owned by Russell B. Miller, Hall Walker and O.G. Lanier opened a Civilian Pilot training program at the airport. Several noteworthy aviation events have occurred at the Ranger Field. On June 16, 1931, Aviatrix Amelia Earhart landed her Pitcairn Autogiro there. In the 1930s, Ranger Airport served as a midway point for glider races from Grand Prairie to Sweetwater and back. During World War II, Army Air Forces Piper L4 Cub Pilots flew into Ranger Municipal Airport on multiple occasions for two to three days of practice in the clear skies around Ranger. Since World War II area citizens have worked continuously to make Ranger Municipal Airport as asset to the city, county and state.
Ranger Flying Service in 1938 (RJC)
Dedication of the Historical Marker
Dedication of the historical marker was held on May 26, 2007 at the Ranger Municipal Airport, located at 1402 Oddie Street. Wayne White (RHS Faculty) sang the National Anthem. Invocation was given by Rev. James Upshaw. Ed Allcorn, Chair, Eastland County Historical Commission, welcomed distinguished guests and introduced Judge Scott Bailey (retired). Judge Bailey represented State Representative Jim Keffer, spoke briefly on "Memorial Day, What it Means", and read a Resolution by Keffer. Speakers were William McWhorter, Texas Historical Commission, Austin; Jeane Pruett, Co-Chair, Eastland County Historical Commission, spoke for Mellenger Jacoby (RHS-1936) who was unable to attend. Mellenger was at the opening day of the airport in 1928. (opening day by Mellenger) O.G. Lanier, Jr. (RHS-1940) spoke of old memories of the airport. The "Ranger Municipal Airport" marker was unveiled by Alice Louise Henry Powell and Bill Bishop. Alice Louise Henry broke a bottle of ginger ale and officially christened the field in 1928. Bill Bishop is President of Ranger Aircraft Association. Jeane Pruett, Co-Chair of Eastland County Historical Commission, President of Ranger Historical Preservation Society, and past mayor of Ranger Dedicated the marker. Bill Bishop accepted the dedication of the marker.
Office at the Ranger Airport
Airport hanger
Inside hanger
Jeane Pruett dedicated the Marker. Posting of the Colors was done by the Eastland VFW Post 4136. Jared Calvert (RHS-2005) helped with the unveiling.
Alice Louise Henry (RHS-1940) who officially christened the field in 1928. (Alice in 1928)
Eastland County Historical Commission Pictured are L-R: Joy Conner, Eastland; Ruth Stewart, Secretary, Cisco; Wynelle Brown, Carbon; Eastland County Judge Rex Fields, Cisco; Jeane Pruett, Co-Chair, Ranger; Ed Allcorn, Chair, Eastland; Dale Walker, Carbon.
VIDEO - Unveiling of airport historical marker Note: Video may not work on dial-up or the iPad. Ranger Airfield website