Ranger Exes Memorial - RHS Class of 1941 CLASS HISTORY SPEECH (Graduation from Hodges Oak in 1937) The membership of this class has changed with each year. Only five of the thirty-six boys and girls that started their journey down the road to education in September 1930 are receiving diplomas this evening. Miss Heath was our guide the first year. Our second mile was under the leadership of Mrs. Thurman. In 1932-33 our class swelled to more than fifty with Miss Dennis and Miss Baskin as teachers. Through the fourth grade some of us were in Miss Shirley’s room, and the others in Miss Davenport’s. Mr. Hatley and Mr. Galloway were our home room teachers through the fifth grade. By this time we felt that we were really growing up in school. Again through the sixth year Mr. Hatley had charge of part of our class, Mr. Moser the other. Through this year we have been Miss Strain’s home room. Many new pupils joined the class, attracted by the fame of Hodges Oak Park. Benson and Juanita Powell came from Tyler, Drianne Nicholson from Dallas, J.C. Tyra from Rising Star, Dorothy Henry, Clarice Wells, Maydell Mace came over from Cooper, Imogene Stuard from Colony, Edna Marie Blanton and Juanita Dobbs returned to graduate with us. These boys and girls have taken parts in all of the school activities. Thank you. Roy Gray