RHS Class of 1958 Reunion 2002 - Page 1
The Class of '58, after visiting since Friday about noon and appearing in the
parade on a makeshift float, had a dinner party at the Fire Department meeting
room on Saturday night (10/05/02). We began with the Pledge of Allegiance
(including "under God"), proceeded through memories of our fallen classmates
and a prayer before dinner. We are about as "politically incorrect" as a group
can be! Thank goodness for such classmates! There was a lot of flag-waving and
some insight from a couple of class members who are more closely involved with
the events that disturb our country. Each member of the class, as well as their
spouses, was given a chance to bring us up to date on what had occurred in their
lives in the last two years or since we had seen them. That created a lot of
laughter - as well as some emotional moments. Everybody seemed to have a great
time and plans are underway for next year when we will be celebrating our big
45th anniversary. Hope everybody had as much fun as we did -- being 18 again
for a few hours. Judy (Craig) DeVoll
Pictures courtesy of Mac Jacoby
Dale Cozart (Master of Ceremonies)
Kay King Tibbels (RHS-1958)
Kay King Tibbels with award
Judy Craig DeVoll (RHS-1958)
Judy (Craig) DeVoll with award