Ranger Exes Memorial-TX - RHS Class of 1959 High School Graduation
RHS Seniors Will Graduate Monday at 8 Graduation services for 37 Ranger High School Seniors will be held Monday night at 8 in the high school auditorium, bringing the school year to a close. Curtis Lynn Stephens will bring the valedictory address, as the highest-ranking student in the class. John Tom Tibbels will give the salutatory address. Following presentation of the class by Charlie Garrett, principal, diplomas will be presented by Glynn Covington, president of the school board. Giving the invocation will be Harold Spurlock, minister of the Eastside Church of Christ. The benediction will be given by Rev. Ralph Perkins, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Sue Watson will give a vocal solo, accompanied by Annabeth Deffebach. Both girls are seniors. The Alma Mater will be sung by the graduating seniors. The processional and recessional marches will be played by Karen Killingsworth (RHS-1960), on the piano. Senior Class sponsors are Mrs. Helen Hagaman and Miss Ann McEver. Class officers are: Lee King, president; Charles Wolford, vice president; Mollie Mitchell, secretary; Linda Joy Carroll, treasurer; and Tibbels, class representative. Ranger Times (Sunday, May 24, 1959) (Pictures courtesy of Annabeth Deffebach Stephens)Geneva Cantwell, Evelyn Atkins, & Joyanne Smith
Charles David Wolford, Dan Dixon, & Dawn Loper
Dan Lavoie, David Russell, & John Tom Tibbles
Jake Basham, Lee King, & Dan Dixon
Linda Sue Boggus, Gay Ann Daskevich, & J.L. Clemmer
Sam Owens & Mignon Rohde
Dan Lavoie, Joe Bradford, Sue Watson, Lydia Mendoza, & Mollie Mitchell
Linda Durham, Linda Boggus, & Jean Bankston Bird
Sue Watson, J.L. Clemmer, Kay Woods, Lydia Mendoza, & Linda Black
Dorothy Jacoby & Linda Carroll
Curtis Stephens, Jake Basham, Jim Swinney, David Russell, John Tom Tibbels, & J.L. Clemmer
Joyanne Smith, Linda Carroll, Evelyn Atkins, & Alice Brown
Joe Bradford & Mollie Mitchell
Jack Rawls, David Russell, Jim Swinney, Dan Lavoie, & Charles Veale