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Bobbie's Page!!!!

Hey! My name is Bobbie I'm the future Miss America. I'm attending TJC in Tyler to major in Sign Language Interpretation and then I'll go to a four year school to finish an education degree. I'm currently debating if I should go after Deaf Ed or just plain ol' elementary Ed. If you have an ideas, send me an email. I love to have fun and act crazy. I am usually hyperactive unless I'm stressed or tired. The great thing is that all my friends are hyper too!! We have a great time!!

The best part about my life is my belief in God. He makes it all possible. I pray that everyone that reads this will one day believe. (Sadly, to those of you that read this part in the past, my friend Sean passed away on memorial day..... He never met Jesus. It still breaks my heart today. To those of you that never met Sean or never even knew of him, he was a great man and an awesome friend. He always loved me and I just wish that He would have let God love him in the same way. He's not in heaven and I will never see him again. I regret everyday not showing him the truth more than I did. I will always love him as one of my best friends.) I encourrage you to attend a spirit filled church and to truly meet God. It's hard to be a christian in today's world and I'm not a perfect one. I've fallen a lot but He picks me up. I'm not the person that God wants me to be yet but I'm trying to get there, so please don't try to bring me down. I attend Rose Heights Church of God in Tyler. If you're ever in Tyler please come visit the church, it is great!

My Advice to you

Just to let you know: Dude! I love sign language!! I'm not that great at it yet but i totally love it! (ASL). I love it. I never thought that you could make so many words using only two hands and facial expressions. I'm happy to say that I am getting better but I need practice....

I am a dog lover! My puppy, Gershwin, is my baby. I love him so much. He's really hyper and always happy just like I am. He is so spoiled. He has a lot of different outfits and he loves them all, or at least I think he does. The best news is that when I moved into my dad's house this may, he let me bring gersh here to live with me. Now I get to kiss that cute puppy forehead everyday!

I love to write. I spend a lot of my free time writing. I haven't got to write at all lately though because I've been so busy. Here's a link to some of my poems but I don't like these poems at the moment. I have to be in a certain mood to write or read anything. These are all really old. I think I added this part about three or four years ago and since it's part of my life, even though i never write anymore... I decided to leave it in here. click here to read,

Email me with anything you have to say about this page but just remember that it is under construction and it will never be finished because I am not finished. email me! I'm finally updating it after a year!.


Our church is searching for a new pastor right now. Please just pray for God's wisdom and guidance in the church's selection of one. After Brandi and Sean died, I learned that you have to tell people that you love them while you can. Just in case I haven't told you lately... I really do love you all.


Pictures and Links

Todd's page, it's really old
My dog's pics!!!
More Pics of Gersh
Old Pictures of me
My sisters and I!
Great ASL links site
Third Day
My great friends!
Beth :)
