UPDATED 02/07/99 Welcome to my Fiction Page! For some time, I've maintained a Star Trek: Voyager fiction site, but I've had several requests for my other fiction as well. So, here it is! (As you can tell, I've floated around a lot of fandoms over the years.)
Allow me a moment to thank everyone who has supported Pywacket Press (my fanzine publishing entity) over the past couple few years. Due to other commitments, I suspended zine publishing operations last year. Since both my Real Ghostbusters novella, DREAM SHADOW, and multimedia zine, PYWACKET'S ECLECTICA are sold out, I decided to post those stories (and possibly a few others) here! This page is still evolving, so be patient. In the meantime, enjoy what you find here! Thanks for dropping by, and don't forget to let me know what you think. Remember, writers live for FEEDBACK!!! "Dream Weaver", Part 1 of 2. (This story, originally published in Crazy
Quilt 4, is the first of my planned DREAM TRILOGY.) The girl of Peter's dreams sends him plummeting into his worst nightmare and his friends
struggle to hold on to Peter's life and his sanity.
"Dream Weaver", Part 2 of 2. See Part 1 above.
"Dream Shadow", Part 1 of 6. Novella-length sequel to "Dream Weaver." Two
women appear out of Peter Venkman's past: one to reveal a long-held secret that will tear at Peter's heart; one to exact the ultimate measure of revenge
against his very soul!
"Dream Shadow", Part 2 of 6. See Part 1 above..
"Dream Shadow", Part 3 of 6. See Part 1 above.
"Dream Shadow", Part 4 of 6. See Part 1 above.
"Dream Shadow", Part 5 of 6. See Part 1 above.
"Dream Shadow", Part 6 of 6. See Part 1 above.
"Letters From Santa". A look at a few Christmases through the years via the
Ghostbuster's North Pole correspondence.
"Light in the Tunnel". Trapped by a cave-in, will Egon, Ray and Winston see the
light? And what about Peter?
"Mistaken Identity". Charlie Venkman's misdeeds lead to serious consequences
for his son. Will Egon ever forgive Charlie if Peter dies?
Bully". An old "acquaintance" from Peter's past pays an unexpected visit, and things go from bad to strange!
The It's-A-Wonderful-Life Affair. One of UNCLE's best takes a look at what
the world would be like without him as he makes the decision whether to live or die.
"Judgment Day". George Prescott thinks he's gotten away with murder, but
our two ex-outlaws and their lovely companion think otherwise!
"The Dreamer". Francine, Amanda and Lee remember a friend taken away too
"Deja Vu, Steele". Can Laura find a way to prevent the ultimate tragedy from
happening... again?
"Time Lost". Benny must find a way to help Jonathan cope when the love of his
life disappears into the night. [Tag to "Ahead of Time"]
"Innocent Age". Thanksgiving night and Sam can't sleep. Is his "Leap Home"
a blessing or a curse? Can Al help him decide?
"End Game: Checkmate". Scully has a lot of time to think as she sits at
Mulder's bedside. [Tag to "End Game"]
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