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Fun Places to Visit

Need a Good Laugh with a friend?
Visit these sites.... You're sure to find a way to have some fun with a freiend
Only fun... Nothing mean!!


If you have a friend that's been bad and needs to sit in the corner for a while... you need to visit
The Corner.

This site is a lot fun! Be sure to visit. Who knows, you may even find someone sitting in the corner that you know.

Do you know someone that needs to be mummified? Someone that's always busy or crazy and out of control?

Visit The Mummies Tomb
and tie that person down!

Do you like Mazes and Treasure Hunts? This is a must see site.... See if you can find the Dungeon and you're way out of the West Wing.

Click now and visit
Susan, Queen of Swords. She has a lot to offer on her site.

Ok... Here's your chance to convict someone and have them thrown in jail.

Visit Lori's Jail
and get the conviction process started!

Visit this site and see if you can figure out what's going on... LOL.

Visit DUnicorns Presents Trick or Treat
and get the transformation process started!

Do you know someone who has lost their head and needs to be confined?

Visit DMaddHatter's Rubber Room
and confine that person!


Visit Holidays Around the Webring
to get a Friendship Heart for you and your friends!

Stormiee's Place Georgia's Trial and Error


Treasure Hunts || Still Bored??? || Cartoons and Fun Stuff || Wavs