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The Good Life

Click me for some music!
A special thankyou to Mr. Jack B. Harris! A true Southern Gentleman, for letting me use his midi version of "Dixie"! Please visit his link below! I would greatly appreciate it!
Greetings to all! I hope all is well with you!
Welcome to my home on the Web! Within these pages you shall find a little about me, and a lot about something very dear to me!
The life I describe here, and the way to live it, has been practiced by thousands of people for hundreds of years! IT WORKS! Trust me! I know this to be true! For I practice this way of life myself! The Southern way of life is slower than any other I have seen! We tend to take our time! Enjoy life to its fullist! Anyone can live this life! it doesn't matter where you live, or where your family is from! Just follow the simple steps below, and lead a life of happiness!
Just in case you were wondering, here's a little about me!
My name is Michael Manning. I am an American by birth, and Southern by the grace of God! I was born in Coral Gables, FL. I now reside in Ft. Worth, TX with my beautiful wife,and my extremely cute puppy! I consider the Great and Sovereign State of Georgia to be my home! As I have never felt truly comfortable anywhere else! I will be attending the Savannah College of Art and Design in the Spring of 1998 to major in Historic Preservation! I wish to help others in their fight to preserve the great architecture and way of life of my homeland! The Great Confederacy!!
A few simple steps for living the good life:
1. Appreciate the things around you!
Take a walk around your neighborhood. Tell your love interest that you love them! Stop and smell the flowers!!
2. Be kind to everyone!
sit on your front porch, front yard, wherever you can see passers by! Wave and say hello to the people you see!
3. Eat whatever you feel like eating!
Just don't eat too much!
4. Learn the names of the children in your neighborhood!
5. Learn their dog's names too!
6. Give a stranger a helping hand!
7. Bake cookies!! Then give them to someone, just because!
8. Read a Douglas Adams book!
9. Open a door for someone!
10. Tell your parents that you love them!
Without children, there is no good life!
Without children, there is no life at all!
Please help a child! They are our future! Without them, we are nothing!
Click here for page 2!

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Hey look! I got some awards!!!!!
Thanks Krista!!
Great Big Hugs To Ciara!!!!
A special thanks to my best internet bud,Dave!!!
Thanks NightOwl!!!!! You da man!!!!!!!!!
If you'd like; give me a ring on ICQ! #2238962!

Check these out!!!!!

Mikee's Page of Poetry
An incredible Art School
Miss Kitty=^.^=
The One TRUE Goddess..........VENUS
Ciara's pages of Love
My friend Dave's page
A true Southern Gentleman, Mr. Jack Harris

