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Michael Pilling's somewhat piquant homepage

One of those utterly pointless homepages? Another person, faced with probably the most important technological development in communication since the telegraph can think of nothing better to do than tell them about how pissed they got on their holiday in Kos last year? Unfortunately the contents of this page fail even to reach such a minimal level of interest.


What do I do with my life?

A list of people

Contact Information

My History


Here's a picture of me on Brighton Beach (circa July '94)

What do I do with my life?

Currently I am a PhD student (first year) at the University of Surrey, Guildford. (That’s in England by the way - about 40 minutes south of London if the trains are in a good mood). I am based at the Psychology Dept. I am (or rather will be) looking at the nature of colour categories and the role of language in their formation and structure.

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Here's a few people who like me, have nothing better to do with their lives than set up web pages:-

My old flat-mate Stefan who's a computer science student in Vienna (It means nothing to me…)

Another fellow Ashtonian, my friend Dave (who I'm sure won't appreciate this link but he's going to get it anyway) who is a research scientist for Rank Xerox.

One of my current flatmates resident at 23 Hamilton drive, Ian.

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Below is my dog in my parent's back garden in Ashton.


Contact Information

You can mail me at: M.PILLING@SURREY.AC.UK

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History bit

I was born in a place called billange, which is a village on the Mersyside/Lancashire border on March 23rd 1973 meaning that I share my birthday with nobody particularly famous. For the next 18 years I have lived in a remarkably tedious place called Ashton-In-Makerfield which is about 5 miles from Wigan in Lancershire, notable for a 7 foot plank of wood hanging over the edge of the Leeds-Liverpool canal that claims to be a pier. I spent the age of 11 to 16 at Byrchall High School, a 60's style ex-grammar school fear of libel preventing my making any further comment about the %£$ing place. The next two years were at Winstanley college (3 A levels: biology; politics and design technology). For my undergrad years I ended up at East London University (Polytechnic of East London up until July '92) where I did 3 years of Psychology. The wilderness years between graduation and ending up in Surrey where spent partly back in Ashton and also 2 years in Norwich in East Anglia. I moved to Surrey in Sept. '97.

Currently I am living in University accommodation at Hazel Farm which is a pleasent little melting pot of nationalities as well as having extremely cheap rent (£30).


I think at this point convention dictates that you talk about the bands you are into, and the dangerous sports that you claim to do every weekend, but I can't be bothered - I'll fill this bit in at some later date.


Last Revised: Monday, 25 May 1998

Heres a picture of my mum, dad and Rex the dog, taken in North Wales in late summer '93.

Last Revised: Tuesday, 26 May 1998

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WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
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Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts
