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Is my page really so awful that you have to run off and leave and not stay a minute longer when I've made so many personal sacrifices to make this page like not sleeping and eating so now I've become an insomniac and I never eat which aren't good things because I really like to eat pickles because they are my favorite food and now I'm never really hungry for them or anything thing for that matter, except for food from the Olive Garden because I love that restruant for having my favorite thing to drink in the whole wide world is raspberry tea which is like lemon tea but with raspberries which I normally don't like the flavor of in any product like those blue popsicles that taste like mud but then again I really don't know what mud tastes like because I don't go around eating it so I guess it doesn't make much sense to say that so I wonder why people say that or why they say stuff like when they want someone to wait and they say "hang on" when the person isn't falling or anything, but like, if someone was hanging off and cliff and someone else went to get a rope it would make sense to say "hang on" then but normally it is just totally pointless just like electrical tooth brushes for people who are just to darn lazy to move their hand in circling motions to brush their teeth which really has to mean that person is lazy and has no life, but I really shouldn't say who does and doesn't have a life because I've been sitting here babbling in one long run-on sentance about stupid stuff for no real reason at all, except to keep you on my page longer, worked didn't it?

You can make me very by clicking here and coming back to my home page PRETTY PLEASE??
