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Comments from last weeks poll!

Comments from this week's poll...

Matt is being a jerk. It was different when Vanessa was comatose. Now that she's awake, there's no excuse.

I don't like the way their turning Matt into this sniveling idiot who thinks of no one but himself when it comes to Vanessa. HE almost lost her, HE needs her, HE doesn't want to see her go to jail....GIVE ME A BREAK! What about what Vanessa wants?

No, I think he is just being a dork lately. Seems like all the characters are on vacation or just not getting good parts/reads. Writers need to get more stable with the characters. Stop dorking around and have some action happening instead of always reliving every moment that happens. I could go on but I will stop and say that I think Matt is young and flipsy flopsy. His best interest seems to be Vanessa even if he does things in a round about way.

Yes, he is being overprotective - BUT that is totally understandable after all he's been through. Vanessa left him when she was really, really sick and he thought she was dead. He got her back, but he almost lost her again. The thought of losing her again must be scaring him to pieces.

Yes--But she looks like she needs to go to a Home--her hair turning white overnight and all.

I know he's really worried about her, but he's going way beyond necessary. There are cautionary things that could be done. Though, I guess I can understand since he's lost her before.

It's Vanessa's choice. She's no dummy and she realizes the risks involved but knows it's the right thing to

She is an adult and should be able to make her own decisions. He should have realized that when she was begging him to let her ease her conscience by telling the police what really happened.

Actually I think the question should be, Do you think the writers have gone too far in changing Matt's entire personality to protect Vanessa? When GL messed up the one nice family in Springfield (the Bauers), it seemed as though Matt and Vanessa would fill the void. Now with this complete change in Matt's morals and ethics, I could believe a 'pod people' storyline easier than the ridiculous Reva clone storyline not so long ago. I have been following Guiding Light for 20 years and right now its sunk to about a new low for me. Mob families, please, if that was a successful ongoing plotline, 'The Edge of Night' would still be on! Whining, selfish young adults and teenagers - give me a break. If you look at the sponsors of the show its not teenagers spending their money on those products that pay the bills. I know the actor who plays Matt has been considering leaving the show and with the change in his character, I wouldn't miss Matt one little bit. We need at least a few characters that have some morals to keep the show from becoming total and utter chaos! Overprotective? How about over the edge!

I voted that Matt is being overprotective in that he cannot deprive Vanessa of her freedom of choice. I am glad that he has protected her physically from physical harm, and has helped her have the opportunity to be safe and heal especially since she was unable to speak for herself. He was right to take her out of the hospital and hide her from Carmen where, once his brain kicked in and he realized what harm Carmen had done through the lip balm, where she could recover from that. But once out of the coma and able to speak for herself, I vote that she has a perfect God-given, constitutional freedom of choice to speak for herself. Vanessa would not be Vanessa, truthful and determined to do what was right. if she were to not be able to speak the truth. Physically she might be well, but until Michelle is out of trouble, Vanessa will worry. It is not right also that Matt is not also willing to help his own cousin, Michelle (through sister Maurine). And Maurine was Vanessa's friend. Matt also owes V. because if he had not blabbed every thought to Carmen about the bloody coat when he did, Vanessa could have recovered a lot sooner. Matt, the nurse, whoever tested the lip balm, Bill, also knows, all can prove to the police that although the DA has not accepted Vanessa is and Pilar's words about the death of Ben Warren, it is technically a booboo for the charge of attempted murder of Vanessa that CAN be proven not to have been sufficient reason for arresting Carmen and making it stick. The police had a perfect right to hold Carmen in jail for the attempted poisoning and murder of Vanessa. And if they had realized that since that charge stuck, what was Carmen's motive for trying and succeeding in poisoning, almost killing or at least preventing V. from waking up, that gives being held for that. I would have thought that Vanessa and Matt could actually press charges against Carmen which alone could have insured her being arrested. The DA maybe would not have to give her permission for Matt and Vanessa to press charges against Carmen Santos at all. She would only be consulted once their were an indictment vs. Carmen. At least that's the extent of my limited information on the subject. But one thing is for sure. For the police to be forced to let Carmen go because her mobster attorney showed up, letting Detectives Frank and David have to hear all that bravado coming out of Carmen's mouth, and her walking out of there, a technical booboo (spelling?) took place on this soap. Vanessa and Matt had a perfect right to press charges. The fact that perhaps they did not press charges on Carmen was another booboo. Surely it would have, should have been explained to Vanessa and Matt, Bill, etc. that one way to help Michelle would have been to choose the purgative to press charges on Carmen for that, and that would have helped keep her in lockup or in reach of legal system of Springfield until the other murder she tried and succeeded a little better at attempting could be added. I simply cannot believe that this was not written for Matt and Vanessa to do. Somebody was inept, I believe and slipped up. It just boggles the mind. At least if Carmen had been charged for trying to poison Vanessa, it would have kept her locked up and not able to further threaten and blackmail Ruth, the witness Carmen paid off to set up Michelle for murder.

And what really cranks me off? He's all set to do the same thing for Vanessa (spirit her out of the country) that he was so ADAMANT against Van doing for Dinah. DUH! Is the guy mental or what?

He's driving me nuts! Michelle's trial is being drawn out WAY too long!

I see where he's coming from, but he is being selfish, really. Just because HE would miss her. She is a strong woman who needs to be able to do what she wants.


It is time for Vanessa to get back to being an important member of Springfield, she has been in a coma long enough, Matt is crazy and selfish to want to keep Vanessa from helping Michelle.

I'm sorry but they need something to liven them up a little..... they aren't called Naptessa for nothing!

He's acting like a spoiled little kid who does not want to let go of his Mommy!

If I were in Matt's position, I would do the same thing. Vanessa almost died on him a couple times and I don't think he wants here to go to jail, even though it wasn't premeditated and an accident.

It's OK to love someone and try to protect them, but you do have to let them be the adult they are, and make their own decisions.

Matt is way too possessive. He knows Vanessa is a strong woman who knows her own mind.

Yes he is, he has forgotten when he tried to persuade Vanessa to go to the police about Dinah.

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