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Chapters & Affil.
Fur Taker Mag.
Trappers College

Thank you for reviewing Fur Takers of America, Inc.
This corporation was founded in 1968 and is incorporated in the State of Missouri.
Presently we represent thousands of membership across the United States. The main purpose of our existence is to "protect the right" of all sportsmen to the conservation of animals.

Fur Takers of America, Inc. (FTA) is comprised of 5 elected officers and a governing board of 2O members. These officials are charged with the responsibility to ensure that all membership is appraised of the legislative rules that apply and guard the membership of all states against legislation that is detrimental to your "right" to the conservation
of animals.

One of the main reasons we trap, is so that our fox look healthy like the pic on the left , not sick with mange like the fox on the right

What happens if we don't trap? Is Mother Nature humane ???

FTA also is built from the local level by Chapters and Affiliateslocated near you. Many of these chapters and affiliates host monthly meetings and semi-annual gatherings.
As a member or sportsman, you may attend any of these gatherings. Yearly
a national conventionis held in a different location each year hosted by one or more of our local chapters or affiliates throughout the country.
The contacts for these local chapters/affiliates are also published in the Fur Taker Magazine. The officers and governing board are easily contacted through membership to this organization. By publishing a monthly magazine called the
Fur Taker Magazine, we keep the ever-present tool of teaching before the eyes of our membership through articles written by experts in the field of trapping, hunting, and fishing.

By hosting the only known college of its kind,
"The Trappers College"we are able to teach proper and ethical methods of trapping and practice the hands-on methods of trapping that has been passed on through the years from the fore fathers of this industry.

We are affiliated with The Wildlife Legislative Fund, The International Trappers Federation, and The National Trappers Association. A representative has been assigned from our organization to sit on the Governing Body of each of these organizations. They are invited to have a representative sit on our Governing Body as well. In this way the communication lines are always open and the information that is conveyed through this method is submitted to our membership through our monthly publication the Fur Taker Magazine.

Again THANK YOU and welcome to FTA.



Fur Takers of America, a national organization of and for trappers
preserving our heritage while protecting our future

Fur Takers of America inc. All Rights Reserved 2001