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THE TRUTH!!!!!!!

Reasons for reading the following material!!!

Jesus Christ-Who is He and what does He mean to us? So many people get asked this question everyday or every other day or maybe once a month. We think it is important to know what you believe in and have faith in. From a worldly view what we believe is non-sense because we are putting our lives in something we really cannot prove in the physical. Jesus is the God of our lives and our Friend. Through Jesus we can come to know God and feel His presence (Ephesians 3:12). To have a Friend to love us and never leave us is such a joy that cannot be expressed. We truly hope that just because somebody has turned you off the Bible or church, you will look past there human mistakes and learn THE TRUTH for yourself. If you have any questions or comments please email us at the email address below. We aren't perfect or normal because there was only one Person who was perfect and normal and that is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. Have a wonderful day!!!!!!
