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Michael LOVES Mario games!!!

Michael was born on October 25, 1991 in Texas at South Austin Medical Center. He weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces and was 21 inches long.

When he was six months old he became very lethargic and pale. We took him to see Dr. Lopez, his pediatrician, where her nurse examined him. She was uncertain about his condition and asked Dr. Lopez to take a look at him. Dr. Lopez asked us to take him immediately to Brackenridge Children's Hospital. He had intrasuception, which is caused by a reaction to an oral antibiotic. His large intestine had spasmed in reaction to the antibiotic and had sucked his small intestine inside. No nourishment was getting to his system.

They rushed him to Dr. Besserman who performed a lower bowel flush, under the belief that sometimes that is enough to free the intestine. It didn't work in Michael's case and he was rushed into surgery where they rescued his intestine and removed his appendix. Later, they told us that if we had waited 18 more hours to bring him to the doctor's office there would have been no way to save his life. I am very grateful to Dr. Lopez and how she helps me look after my sons. And to Dr. Besserman for doing the surgery on Michael.

Michael has always lived in Texas, and visited his mother's home city of Spokane, Washington for the first time in the summer of 1996 to see his sister, Amber, graduate from Mead Senior High School. He went back to Spokane in the Summer of 1999 to see his brother Jeremy graduate from Mead Senior High School.

He started third grade this year in at Galindo. His teachers are Mrs. Castillo and Ms. Saldovar. He is doing so much better at school this year. His teachers are wonderful with him. He excells in math and loves to read. Michael continues to adjust to the boundaries and restrictions of school. His favorite cartoons are Sailor Moon, Digimon, Pokemon and Dragonball Z.

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

The M&M Factory

Disney, the website for families

Nickelodean - a fun place for kids

Reading Rainbow from PBS

Pooh Place, for Winnie and friends

The Weekley Reader Gallery

Read my Dreambook!
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Michael Masters.
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