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A New Start:

One Woman's Journey to Redefining Herself





Welcome friends, family and strangers off the web. I have decided that it was time that I got my life together. I once was a confident, vibrant, bodacious woman then I lost myself. I slowly have gone down hill until I have reached the bottom. I have lost myself completely. Living life basically as a hermit. I will go days, weeks or even months without stepping foot outside my door. I now bath a few times a month and make up is something I used to own. My teeth now have perma-plaque, my legs have not seen the sun in 2 years and my pants just keep going up in size. I eat nothing but junk and drink only coke. I do not work, I have a few dreams but no real goals. I smoke like a chimney and even thought in great detail about becoming an alcoholic. It is a sad pathetic existence and I want to change it. I want to become all that  I used to be and more. So, that is why I am here; pouring my disgusting tale to the world, because I want to take you along. I want people like me to know that there is hope. Because believe me when I say “If I can do it, anyone can do it:” Click on the following links to begin the adventure! - Dovey


The Idea

The Goals

The First Month– 9/08/05


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