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Dante's Portfolio

Welcome To Dante's Portfolio

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Now playing "Wong Fay Hung" provided by Huy Huynh
Hello, and welcome to my portfolio. The portfolio means the interconnection of academics, friendship, personal and professional goals, and social activities. It also allows students to identify educational and professional challenges. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity to demonstrate my basic concepts as well as my experience of today's technology and the HTML World as a whole.

My target audience are for technical and educational research levels as well as personal interest. For best loading performance, the following minimum system is recommended: Intel Pentium 200 MHz, 56K FAX/Modem, 4MB Video Card; running Windows 95 or better, with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or higher.

My Portfolio mainly focuses on myself, my friends around the net, and my personal interests.

So, begin your journey into the world of my portfolio now! Hope you guys will enjoy it!!! Before you go, please sign in my GuestBook! You are more than welcome to post your comments or questions ... If you have your portfolio ready and want me to post your URL under my FRIENDS then don't hesitate to contact me via E-mail:

Last, but not least, thank you for visiting my home page at Please come back and visit again! Wish you the best of luck! :)

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Last updated 5/21/1999. Best view if use Internet Explorer 4 or higher version.
This homepage is created by Dante Nguyen
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