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The O'Connor Family Page

This is a picture that was taken of us in November of 1996 at the Dallas Cowboys game.


Don and I have been married for 10 years. He is a wonderful husband and daddy. He works at Chaparral Steel in Midlothian Texas. When he is not working he enjoys golfing and bird hunting. He is orginally from Chicago, so the hunting is something he picked up when he moved to Texas. If you would like to e-mail him his address is


My name is Dana O'Connor and I am the wife to Don and the mommy to Amanda, Sean and Courtney. I am very lucky to be able to stay at home with my children. I have one sister and 2 nieces which I love very much. Ashley is 9 and Sidney is almost 2. I am in 2 bunko groups and I also enjoy going to see musicals.


We lost Amanda on March 29, 1988 when I was 8 months pregnant. I was in a car wreck and unfortunately, she did not survive. When we lost her I did not think that I could go on. The only way that I could was with the love of God, and the support that my wonderful husband and the rest of my family gave me. It has been 10 years now and still somedays I just sit and cry and wonder why!! I know I do not have the reason but I know God did have a reason that He wanted His Angel back in Heaven with Him.
To See Amanda's memorial page click here


Sean is 4 years old. When we found out that I was pregnant, we were so very excited, but also very scared that something could go wrong again. I had no problems at all with my pregnancy and we had a wonderful baby boy on August 3, 1993. He is the first boy on my side of the family. We are finding out by experience what boys are like. Right now he is playing T-Ball with the YMCA and before that he played soccer. He really loves sports!! I think his favorite of all though has to be hockey!! He absolutely loves the Dallas Stars and can name all the players on the team. He will start kindergarten this fall and he is so excited. It is so hard to believe that he is about to turn 5.
To See Sean's page click here


We decided when Sean was 2 we would try to have another baby and God sent us another wonderful baby girl on July 12, 1996. When we had the sonogram and I found out we were having a girl, I was filled with such mixed emotions. I was very happy that I would have a boy and a girl to raise, but I also kept thinking about Amanda. Courtney is now 23 months old and is as opposite from Sean as black and white. She is such a little lady when it comes to some things. She does not like the rough housing like Sean did from birth!! My sister had a baby girl 18 days before Courtney was born so the two of them are good playmates. She loves to watch Barney on TV and when she sees him she dances and laughs!! She has just recently started watching the Teletubbies, and she loves PO!! It won't be long until she is as old as her brother, then I really don't know what I will do!!
To See Courtney's page click here

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