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---------------------------------------$pi+'s Homepage-------------------------------------- Email me if you want lyrics to songs, tapes recorded, or to give me your input. I also destribute videos and compilations. Anyone with opinions of any sort I can post them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peace to all: my Jesuit brothers, PBB Squad, Nothern Highets, Davine Side, Hoyas, 2 Dooce family, Click Killas, and overall all Thugz. What's up to: my Ninja, Kit-Kat, Caramel Baby, and Alby the Polarbear aka The Ghost.

Sup to: C-Noe the Pachinoe, Doobie, Odie, Crazy, and Perg-ah-la.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning: I am responsible for everything that is posted in the chatroom and on the message board so watch what you say, and enter at your own risk. Come and follow some of my other lynx.

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