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Children of the Church
Vol 1, Is 1

With the blessing of his Grace Bishop Gabriel of Manhattan

Answer - St. Alexis, the Man of God.

St. Alexis was born to Euphemianus and Agalaïs, who were both pious Christians and raised their son in piety. Euphemianus was an imperial governor in Rome, under Emperor Honorius. They were very rich and eminent, yet they ate only once a day, at sunset. Alexis was their only child. When he reached adulthood, he was compelled to marry against his will. On the night of the wedding, he left both his wife and his parents, and took ship to Edessa in Mesopotamia, where the image of the Holy Napkin was kept. After venerating this holy icon, Alexis dressed in simple clothes and began his life as a poor man in that town. For seventeen years he lived this way, in constant prayer to God. When it became apparent that he was a holy man and people began to come to him for spiritual advice, he fled. He took a ship to Laodicea, but the ship went off course and headed toward Rome, his home. St. Alexis took this to be a sign form God, and returned to his father's home, where, unknown, he continued his holy life. His father didn't recognize this poor man as his son, but, out of charity, allowed him to live in a shack in his courtyard. For seventeen years, Alexis lived here, living on bread and water alone. Before his death, he wrote a few words on a piece of paper, laid down with this in his hands, and gave his soul into God's hands, on March 17, 411. Then the Emperor and Patriarch heard a voice in the Church of the Holy Apostles, saying, "Look for the Man of God!" It was soon revealed that this man of God was in Euphemianus' home: the poor man living in the shack was he. When they entered his shack, they found him dead, his face shining like the sun. From the paper held in his hands, his parents saw that he was their son. His wife, who had lived for 34 years without him, saw that he was her husband. They were overcome with grief, but were soon comforted, seeing how God glorified His chosen one. Many were healed on touching his body, and a sweet myrrh was given off by his holy relics.

Holy Saint of God Alexis, pray to God for us!

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