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Lyrics from these songs on this page:

1. Love Survives
2. Can't Keep A Good Dog Down
3. What's Mine Is Yours
4. Let Me Be Surprised
5. Soon You'll Come Home
6. Let's Make Music Together
7. Hallelujah
7. I Will Always Be With You (not up yet)

Words in quotations (") are spoken, words not in (") are sung.

Love Survives

Now I know you’re safe here in my heart
You will always be with me
We’ll never be apart
I never knew how strong my love could be
You’re the one I’ve waited for
Now you’re home, I believe
Love survives, beyond our lives
I feel those times growing stronger
Love survives, the tears we cry
Yes love survives it all
Love survives it all
Even when we want to run and hide
Love comes in to pull us through
From deep inside
The magic has made us who we are
Don’t you see we’ve come so far
Take my hand
You made me understand
Love survives, beyond our lives
I feel those times growing stronger
Love survives, the tears we cry
Yes love survives it all
Love survives it all
Love survives, beyond our lives
Oh I feel those times growing stronger
Love survives, the tears we cry
Yes love survives it all
Love survives it all
Love survives it all

You Can’t Keep A Good Dog Down

" Why settle for a couple of bones when you can have the whole bank?"
Oh you can’t keep a good dog down (No sir)
No you can’t keep a good dog down
I’ve seen pain and hurt, I’ve eaten dirt (That's true)
It’s hard to buy but even I have been jilted by a skirt (He lies)
But look out, I’m still around
Cause you can’t keep a good dog down
Ya can’t keep a good dog down (No you can’t)
No no no no, you can’t keep a good dog down
I’ve been bought and sold
He’s been warm and cold
But ten to one I’ll still be runnin’ rackets when I’m old
Not in some cage in the city pound
Cause you can’t keep a good dog
Can’t keep a good, I say you can’t keep a good dog down
In him’s the luck of the Irish
The pride of the German
And even a bit of Siam
Siam? You see the come of the English
The charm of the Spanish
A pedigree a certainly ain’t what I am
So call me a mixed up pup
(You’re a mixed up pup)
But the only way this pup knows is up
Ya can’t keep a good dog down
Ya can’t keep a good dog down
He’s been fat and thin
I’ve been out and in
He tried a life of virtue
But prefer a life of sin
So tonight when we own this town
I’ve known hunger, I’ve known thirst
Lived the best and seen the worst
But the only way I know to finish best to finish first
So watch out when you hear this sound
Cause you can’t keep a good dog, no ya
Can’t keep a good, I say you can’t keep a good dog down
You can’t keep a good dog down

What’s Mine is Yours

What’s mine is yours
What’s yours is mine
The more you share the more the sun’ll shine
Whether you’re the boss or someone’s pet
The more you share the more you’re gonna get
You got a little more a lot
You got to share cause you know what
Each other’s all that we have got
The sun’ll shine if you share all the time
What’s mine is yours (you’ve got a little more a lot)
What’s mine is yours (you’ve got to share cause you know what)
The more you share the more the sun’ll shine (each other’s all that we have got)
If you share all the time
Whether you’re the boss or someone’s pet
(You’re the boss or just a pet)
(I will be glad to make a bet)
The more you give (the more you give)
The more you’re gonna get (more than you had)
The more you’re gonna get (all your life)
The more you’re gonna get (all your life)
The more you’re gonna get

Let Me Be Surprised

"Where am I?"
"This is the Great Hall of Judgement."
"Oh, not to worry Charlie, you’ll go to heaven. All dogs go to heaven cause we’re unlike people, dogs are naturally good and loyal and kind."
"Yeah, that’s true."
Welcome to doing whatever you wish
"This is really a lovely place you got here."
Eating whenever you please.
"Follow me."
To a constant different climate, we keep it 73 degrees
"We’re still on Faienheit here."
"That’s fine with me."
Welcome to ??
"Oh boy"
To order and calming state
"Ah great"
Welcome to being dead
"What?! You mean I’m-I’m?"
"Stone cold I’m afraid."
"I can’t believe it! I’ve been murdered!"
"I’m having trouble finding any goodness or loyalty here, but, let me see."
"He killed me!"
"I beg your pardon?"
"There’s been a mistake made here!"
I don’t want to die, you’ve got the wrong guy
I was double crossed by a dirty rat
Actually this rat was a dog but his car ran me down
I just blew out of jail, I just got back to town
Hey, this is hard to explain
May I speak to your Superior? Cause I don’t want to die!
Welcome to doing what every you wish (you got the wrong guy)
Laughing and singing all day
"Hey! My time’s not up yet!"
"Oh it is. There’s no mistake about that. We know everything."
"Murdered in the prime of my life! Damn, that Carface I’ll kill him."
"Hey! This must be the watch department huh?"
"Well, you might call it that. You see this watch is your life. And it stopped."
"Well, can’t you just wind it up or something?"
"And send you back? Oh no no no no, no one’s ever allowed to go back. Just put your paw right here."
"What’s that for?"
"It’s for a book of records. You see everything about you that was or will be is right here."
"Ah isn’t that wonderful. I love it here. You mean there’s no surprises or anything?"
"Oh no no no no, we know everything."
"Oh that’s just lovely. The clouds, the grass, the air."
"Heaven is a wonderful place."
"Yeah, so no surprises huh? Say, would you like to dance? You mean if I’m waiting for an inside straight up here I’d know in advance when I felt it?"
"We know how it all turns out."
"You must of studied dancing. You have natural rhythm, unusual for a Whippet."
"Ah, I’m getting dizzy!"
"Everything is so lovely here. So planned, so ordered. And that’s what’s driving me crazy."
I need Brazil, the throb, the thrill
I’ve never been there, but someday I will
Adventure and danger, love from a stranger
Let me be surprised
Today the sun, they said there’d be snow
When all said and done, it’s fun not to know
What keeps my heart humming is guessing what’s coming
Let me be surprised
Oh ain’t it great (ain’t it great)
When fate lets you wait
The world seems merthless, you feel worthless
And suddenly there’s a big bone on your plate
Oh Charlie please remember down there’s a world of used cars
And singles bars, broken dreams and not every star
But it isn’t over, not for this rover
I don’t like to steal, but I don’t buy this deal
In bout three seconds, she will have realized
And she’s gonna be
"Charlie what are you doing?"
Wait’ll you see
"What’s that you have behind your back?"
She’s gonna be
"Charlie don’t wind that watch!"

Soon You’ll Come Home

All I have is a picture in my mind how it would be
If we were together
Let’s pretend that you’re far away,
Let’s say you write to me
And you promise in you letter
That you’ll come home
Come home to my heart
When you come home
We’ll never be apart
If I keep dreaming of you
Start believing it’s true
Soon you’ll come home
Soon you’ll come home
Soon you’ll come home
To my heart
Soon you’ll come home
Home to my heart
Soon you’ll come home
Home to my heart
If I believe

Let’s Make Music Together

"I can’t eat a singer, I never could, I never will
That’s so beautiful. What do you call that voice little fella?
Is that a baritone or a tener?
Oh I don’t care, it’s just you and me."
Let’s make music together
Let’s make sweet harmony
Oh, let’s make music together, baby
You take the do I’ll take the ray, you better hang on to me
We are birds of a feather
Looking for the right key
Oh, let’s make music together, baby
Cause only music makes a man free
Gonna make a beautiful song
Sing along, gonna let that natural beat move your feet
When the music’s deep down in you
There’s nothing that you can do
But believe, oh believe
There is nothing like singing
And our voices just blend
Oh, let’s make music together, baby
Lift our voices together partner
Let’s make music forever, baby
And we’ll always be friends
Let’s make music together
Let’s make sweet harmony
Oh, let’s make music together, baby
Let’s make sweet harmony
Oh let’s make-this is for you Mama!
Oh, let’s make sweet harmony
Let’s make music together
Let’s make sweet harmony
Oh, let’s make music together, baby
Let’s make sweet harmony


Now you’re talking
Our kind of music
That’s what we’re here for
Sing Hallelujah!
Everybody now
Everybody (come on)
Come on and join the singing
Now we’re singing
We’re really singing, baby
Now we’re cooking
We’re really cooking partner
Let’s make this music last forever
"Whew! Honey I’m so glad you’ve come to stay!"
