®ussell™'s Art & Music Page

I have played string bass in numerous orchestras in the past including Moores School of Music Symphony Orchestra, but I am currently not in the orchestra at this point in time. I also have played bass guitar in some bands. I recently joined a band based in Lancaster, CA called Courtney Killed Him. We won second place at the Battle of The Bands! Check out my band page for links to webpages of bands I've been in. Check out my show reviews page for reviews on bands that I have seen.

My favorite band is PRIMUS. Les Claypool, the bass player and vocalist of that band is my favorite musician. Right Click here to download a wav file of me singing and playing the PRIMUS song "Seas of Cheese" on my upright bass with a bow! Primus is on hiatus, but Les is jamming with his newest projects, Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade, Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains, and Oysterhead. My most recent Claypool show was the CCBBB show in New Orleans, Louisiana. Click on the spinning logo to visit my Primus/Les Claypool page to see a review of that show:

I also like alot of other bands too, but they usually have an especially stylish bass player. Some of these bands include Violent Femmes, Nuclear Rabbit, and Tool. Check out my Linx Page for links to their websites.

I also enjoy drawing cartoons. I was inspired and taught to draw by "Commander" Mark Kistler, who had a show called The Secret City on PBS in the 80's. I had some of my comics up on the 'net. Hopefully in the near future, they'll be back up at Scare-Glow.com. This is a webzine that my friends have put together! It also has a companion TV shown on public access TV in Houston, TX. It's called PRIMETIME w/ The Packrat & Scare-Glow. Keep an eye out for it if you live in Houston.