Nova Pictures

Please note that Nova does not have red eyes in real life. They only appear this way in pictures...


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In her "kitty cube"
January 30, 2012
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After having her hair brushed.
(Much to her disgust!)
February 2, 2012
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What is she thinking about?
April 26, 2012
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Oooh.....That face!
July 3, 2012
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Happy 2nd birthday Nova!
September 7, 2012
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Nova and her birthday gift.
September 7, 2012
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Visiting the Christmas tree!
December 22, 2012


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She stole Madison's box again.
Madison was not happy...
June 18,2013
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Today Nova has to wait for her turn in the box
June 25,2013
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Nova on her 3rd birthday!
(She didn't feel like posing)
September 7,2013


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So cute!
April 30,2014
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Nova on her 4th birthday!
(She still didn't feel like posing!)
September 7,2014
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Being so cute in the kitty cube!
November 14,2014


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August 2, 2015
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Nova and Mandi cuddled together!
August 12, 2015