Jerome Swinford
SWINFORD, JEROME, “PURSER”, (Plot 2; Evergreen Cemetery), Born: November 03, 1839. Deceased: July 13, 1906. Enlisted in the service of the Confederate States of America, in June, 1861, and served “Honorably” as a “Private” in Company “A”, “Liken’s Regiment” Texas Cavalry”, C.S.A., Later dismounted. He was later transferred to “Marine Department” C.S.A. of Texas. He was at his time of enlistment a resident of Sabine Pass, Texas. He was “Honorably” discharged from said Confederate service in June, 1865, by “Disbanding” of that branch of the Confederate service. At which time he held the rank of “Purser”. (Obtained from “Southern Cross of Honor” application…his writing). Missouri native Jerome Swinford came to Sabine Pass, Texas in 1859 to enter the steamboat business. After serving in the “War of Northern Aggression” he moved to Orange, Texas, where he worked in Alexander Gilmer’s Mill, and later became a popular local merchant. An active Mason, Compatriot Swinford served as Mayor of the City of Orange, Texas, School Board Member, City Alderman. He was also instrumental in the early planning of a ship channel at Sabine Pass, Texas. In 1888 he was elected to the Texas Legislature. (Obtained from a Texas Historical Marker, recorded: 1981). **Compatriot Swinford served as “ADJUTANT” “Walter P. Lane”, Camp 639, United Confederate Veterans, Orange, Texas (Formed 1899) for many years.

Texans in the Civil War
The General Store